Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/281

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 214-216 --JUNE 21, 1941 [55 STAT. 2Stat. 747 150 SEo. 7. That section 508 of said Act, as amended, is further (a)-(d). amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: yields of cotton. "(e) In connection with insurance upon yields of cotton, to include provision for additional premium and indemnity in terms of lint cotton to cover loss of cottonseed, such additional premium and indemnity to be determined on the basis of the average relationship between returns from cottonseed and returns from lint cotton for the same period of years as that used for computing yields and premium rates." 52 Stat. 77 . t7U. C. 1516. SEC. 8 . That section 516 (a) of said Act, as amended, is amended Appropriation au- by striking out the figures "$6,000,000" and substituting in lieu orized,increase thereof the figures "$12,000,000". 52 Stat. 77 . 27U. S. t 1518. SEC. 9. That said Act, as amended, is further amended by redesig- nating section 518 as section 519, and by addition thereto of the following new section: " Agricultural com- "SEC. 518. 'Agricultural commodity', as used in this Act, means wheat or cotton, or both, as the context may indicate." 52 Stat. 75. 7U.S.C. IS (d). SEC. 10. That section 508 (d) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended, is amended by inserting the following sentences imme- Acceptance of corn- diately after the first sentence thereof: "Nothing in this section shall prevent the Corporation from accepting, for the payment of pre- miums, notes payable in the commodity insured, or the cash equiv- alent, upon such security as may be determined pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, and from purchasing the quantity of the commodity represented by any of such notes not paid at maturity." Approved, June 21, 1941. [CHAPTER 215] June 21, 1941 [S. 2871 (Public Law 119] Fort McPherson Military Reservation, Ga. Lands added. Fort Du Pont Mill tary Reservation, Del. Lands added. June 21, 1941 [S. 7741 [Public Law 1201 District of Colum- bia. Pennsylvania Rail- road Company to establish side tracks, etc. AN ACT To authorize the use of certain lands for military purposes at the Fort McPherson Military Reservation, Georgia, and the Fort Du Pont Military Reservation, Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Atlanta National Guard target range, Georgia, comprising one hundred thirty-four and two tenths acres of land, being no longer required for National Guard purposes, is hereby incorporated in and made a part of the Fort McPherson Military Reservation. Georgia. SEC. 2 . That the tract of land, comprising thirty-six one-hun- dredths of an acre. with dwelling house thereon, adjacent to the Fort Du Pont Military Reservation, Delaware, heretofore acquired as a part of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal property, being no onger required for that purpose, is hereby incorporated in and made a part of the Fort Du Pont Military Reservation, Delaware. Approved, June 21, 1941. [CHAPTER 216] AN ACT To authorize The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, by means of an underpass, to cross New York Avenue Northeast, to extend, construct, maintain, and operate certain industrial side tracks, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That The Penn- sylvania Railroad Company, operating lessee of all of the railroads and appurtenant properties of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, in the District of Columbia, be, and it is hereby, authorized to establish switch and siding connec- 256