Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/287

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 234 , 235-JUNE 24, 1941 [CHAPTER 234] June 24, 1941 [H. R . 3536] [Public Law 129] National defense. Section bases for support of small craft. Appropriation au- thorized. Post,pp. 558 680, 814. Ante, p. 42. Contracts on a cost- plus-a -fixed-fee basis. Proonso. June 24, 1941 [H. R . 3847] [Public Law 130] [55 STAT. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to establish, at various locations, such section bases for the support of small craft as the President may deem necessary to the national defense. The authority herein granted shall include the authority to acquire lands at such locations as the Secretary of the Navy with the approval of the President may consider best suited to the purpose, and construct or acquire buildings and other necessary facilities. SEC. 2 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed $50,000,000 to effectuate the purposes of this Act. This sum, how- ever, shall be inclusive of the $10,000,000 appropriated for section bases and related purposes by the Act approved March 17, 1941 (Public, Numbered 13, Seventy-seventh Congress). SEC. 3 . The provisions of section 4 of the Act approved April 25 1939 (53 Stat. 590-592), shall be applicable to all projects authorized by this Act, regardless of location: Provided, That the fixed fee to be paid the contractor as a result of any contract hereafter entered into under the authority of the above-mentioned Act shall not exceed 6 per centum of the estimated cost of the contract, exclusive of the fee, as determined by the Secretary of the Navy. Approved, June 24, 1941. [CHAPTER 235] AN ACT To adjust certain losses occurring in the redemption of adjusted-service bonds. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ndjsted-service United States of America in Congress assembled, That, whereas, in effectingg the distribution and redemption of adjusted-service bonds in the years 1936 and 1937, as authorized by the Act of January 27, 1936 (ch. 32), as amended by the Act of June 3, 1936 (ch. 482, 38 U. sC. c§ e;- 49 Stnt. 1099, 1396 38 U. S . C. 1934 edition, Supp. V, secs. 686- 688b), certain misdeliveries and erroneous payments were made, due for the most part to circumstances beyond their control, by certain postmasters and postal employees designated at the request of the Secretary of the Treasury to perform such fiscal agency service Adjustment of cer- pllrsiiunt to the provisions of said Act of June 3, 1936, the Comp- Laln losses. troller General of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasurer of the United States, and the Postmaster General are authorized, in those cases where it shall be jointly determined by the Postmaster General and the Secretary of the Treasury that such misdeliveries and erroneous payments occurred without negli- gence upon the part of the postmaster or postal employee charged Appropriation. with the error, to relieve them of such charges. There are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to effect the relief hereby granted, not to exceed, however, the aggregate sum of $6,000: Provisos. Pro v ided, That in those instances where the misdeliveries or erro- Deliveries, etc., to true benefiaries. neous payments referred to herein have resulted in failure of the true beneficiaries or payees to receive securities or payments, proper deliveries and payments shall be promptly made to them as con- templated by the Act of January 27, 1936, as amended: Provided 262