Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/308

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55 STAT.] 77TE CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 258 -JUNE 28, 1941 tions of vessels and the employment of hull draftsmen; the reim- bursement, under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, of officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for food, clothing, medi- cines, and other supplies furnished for the temporary relief of dis- tressed persons in remote localities and to shipwrecked persons tem- porarily provided for by them, not to exceed a total of $500 and actual necessary expenses of officers of the field force temporarily ordered to the office in the District of Columbia for consultation with the director, $500,000, of which amount not to exceed $21,200 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Magnetic and seismological work: For continuing magnetic and seismological observations and to establish meridian lines in connection therewith in all parts of the United States; making magnetic and seismological observations in other regions under the jurisdiction of the United States; purchase of additional magnetic and seismological instruments; lease of sites where necessary and the erection of tem- porary magnetic and seismological buildings; and including the employment in the field and office of such magnetic and seismological observers, and instrument makers and stenographic services as may be necessary, $73,900. Federal, boundary, and State surveys: For continuing lines of exact levels between the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts; determining geographic positions by triangulation and traverse to establish the control for a national mapping program, and for the control of Federal, State, boundary, county, city, and other surveys and engineering works in all parts of the United States; including printing and binding, traveling and all other expenses necessary therefor; special geodetic surveys of first-order triangulation and leveling in regions subject to earthquakes, not exceeding $10,000; determining field astronomic posi- tions and the variation of latitude, including the maintenance and operation of the latitude observatories at Ukiah, California, and Gaithersburg, Maryland, not exceeding $2,600 each; establishing lines of exact levels, determining geographic positions by triangulation and traverse, and making astronomic observations in Alaska; and con- tinuing gravity observations in the United States and for making such observations in regions under the jurisdiction of the United States andI also on islandl and coasts a adjitaent thlereto, $450,000, of which amollllt not to exceed $74,000 may be expl),(lde( for personal services in the District of Columbia. Vessels: For repair of vessels, and replacement of equipment thereon, exclusive of engineers' supplies and other ship chandlery, $100,000. Pay of officers and men on vessels: For all necessary employees to man and equip the vessels, including professional seamen serving as mates on vessels of the Survey, to execute the work of the Survey herein provided for and authorized by law, $711,000. Pay, commissioned officers: For pay and allowances prescribed by law for commissioned officers on sea duty and other duty, holding relative rank with officers of the Navy, including one director, six hydrographic and geodetic engineers with relative rank of captain, ten hydrographic and geodetic engineers with relative rank of com- mander, seventeen hydrographic and geodetic engineers with rela- tive rank of lieutenant commander, forty-seven hydrographic and geodetic engineers with relative rank of lieutenant, sixty-one junior hydrographic and geodetic engineers with relative rank of lieutenant (junior grade), twenty-nine aides with relative rank of ensign, and including officers retired in accordance with existing law, $863,000: Provided, That the Secretary of Commerce may designate one of the hydrographic and geodetic engineers to act as assistant director. 283 Personalservices. Post, pp. 824, 832. Ukiah and Gaithers- burg observatories. Observations, etc., in Alaska. Vessels,repair, etc. Post, p. 551. Provi o. Assistant director.