Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/322

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 258 -JUNE 28, 1941 in identifying, pursuing, and returning escaped prisoners and for rewards for their recapture; and for repairs, betterments, and improvements of United States jails, including sidewalks, $1,500,000. None of the money appropriated by this title shall be used to pay any witness, or bailiff more than one per diem for any one day's service even though he serves in more than one of such capacities on the same day. None of the funds appropriated by this title may be used to pay the compensation of any person hereafter employed as an attorney unless such person shall be duly licensed and authorized to practice as an attorney under the laws of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia. The foregoing appropriations for "Traveling Expenses, Department of Justice'" and "Salaries and Expenses of Marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice", shall be available, respectively, for traveling expenses of the district attorney and of the marshal of the United States Court for China and of employees of their offices and, under such regulations as the Attorney General may prescribe, of their families and effects in going to and returning from their posts, including travel expenses of said officers and employees and their families for travel performed from their posts to their homes in the United States and return to their posts while on authorized leave of absence; for the expenses of preparation and transportation of remains of such officers and employees who may die abroad or in transit while in the discharge of their official duties to their former homes in the United States or to a place not more distant for interment; and for the traveling expenses of said officers and employees and their dependents while en route to or from places of temporary refuge in time of war, political disturb- ance, earthquake, epidemic, or similar emergency, and for per diem in lieu of subsistence of such officers, employees, and their dependents while in a refugee status; and the appropriations "Salaries and Expenses of District Attorneys, and so forth, Department of Justice", and "Salaries and Expenses of Marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice", shall be available, respectively, to the district attorney and marshal of the United States Court for China and to employees in their offices for allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light as authorized by the Act of June 26, 1930 (5 U. S. C . 118a), not to exceed $1,700 for any one person in no event to exceed the amount actually and reasonably expended by the recipient of such allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light; lawbooks and other books of reference; ice and drinking water for office purposes; and expenses of maintaining in China American convicts and persons declared insane by the Court; rent of quarters for prisoners; ice and drinking water for prison purposes; wages of prison keepers; and the expense of keeping, feeding, and transporting prisoners and persons declared insane by the Court: Provided,That the appropriations under this head for the fiscal year 1941 and the appropriation "Salaries and Expenses, United States Court for China" for the fiscal year 1940 shall be available for travel expenses for travel performed by the offi- cers and employees of the Court, and their families, between their posts and their homes in the United States and return to their posts while on leave of absence authorized or approved by the Attorney General. Sixty per centum of the expenditures for the offices of the United States District Attorney and the United States Marshal for the Dis- trict of Columbia from all appropriations in this title shall be reim- bursed to the United States from any funds in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the District of Columbia. This title may be cited as the "Department of Justice Appropria- tion Act, 1942". 297 Attendance fees, re- striction. Licenserequirement for attorneys. U. S. Court for China. Traveling expenses, district attorney, mar- shal, etc. Ante, pp. 290, 294. Bringing home re- mains from abroad, etc. Travel, etc., ex- penses while in refu- gee status. Ante, p. 294. 46 Stat. 818. Maintenance of prisoners and insane persons. Proviso. Designated fundsfor travel expenses. 54 Stat. 206: 53 Stat. 904. Reimbursement by District of Columbia. Citation of title.