Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/331

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 259-JUNE 28, 1941 witness fees and fees and mileage in accordance with section 8 of the 50statS. s Bituminous Coal Act of 1937; not to exceed $3,250 for purchase, exchange, hire, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, including one for use in the District of Columbia; garage rentals; miscellaneous items, including those for public instruction and information deemed necessary; and not to exceed $1,800 for purchase and exchange of newspapers, lawbooks, reference books, and periodicals, $3,200,000. SOIL AND MOISTURE CONSERVATION OPERATIONS For all necessary expenses of administering and carrying out directly and in cooperation with other agencies a soil and moisture con- servation program on lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of land resources against soil 4 Stat.163. erosion", approved April 27, 1935 (16 U. S . C . 590a-590f), and 5 U.. .. §133tnote. Reorganization Plan No. IV, including such special measures as may be necessary to prevent floods and siltation of reservoirs; the improve- ment of irrigation and land drainage; the procurement of nursery stock and the establishment and operation of erosion nurseries; the making of conservation plans and surveys; the dissemination of information; and the purchase, erection, or improvement of permanent Personal serices. buildings; and including personal services in the District of Colum- bia (not to exceed $125,000), and elsewhere; traveling expenses; furniture, furnishings, office equipment and supplies; not to exceed $2,000 for the purchase of books and periodicals; operation, mainte- nance, and repair of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger- carrying vehicles, including not to exceed $12,500 for the purchase of Corsmitation. such vehicles, $2,178,700: Provided, That the cost of any building purchased, erected, or as improved, exclusive of the cost of construct- ing a water supply or sanitary system and connecting the same with any such building, shall not exceed $2,500, and all such improvements shall be on Government-owned or Indian lands: Provided further, teWaehuse main- That this appropriation shall be available for meeting expenses of warehouse maintenance and the procurement, care, and handling of supplies, materials, and equipment stored therein for distribution to projects under the supervision of the Department of the Interior, and for sale and distribution to other Government activities, the cost of such supplies and materials or the value of such equipment (including the cost of transportation and handling), to be reimbursed to the appropriation for soil and moisture conservation operations current at Beroiupot'ogrnhsf the time such reimbursement is received: Provided further, That repro- etc. ductions of such aerial or other photographs, mosaics, and maps as shall be required in connection with the authorized soil and moisture conservation operations of the Department of the Interior may be furnished to cooperating persons or agencies and to Government agencies at the estimated cost of furnishing such reproductions, and to other persons or agencies at such prices (not less than estimated cost of furnishing such reproductions) as the Secretary may determine, the money received from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury to funds. rer st the credit of this appropriation: Provided further, That any part of this appropriation allocated for the production or procurement of nursery stock shall remain available for expenditure for not more than three fiscal years. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For the contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary and the bureaus and offices of the Department (except soil and moisture con- servation operations, production of alumina from low grade bauxite, 306 [55 STAT.