Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/424

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 266-JULY 1, 1941 June 30, 1942: (1) General Accounting Office, $1,400,000; and (2) Treasury Department: (a) Procurement Division, $2,400,000; (b) Division of Disbursement, $1,100,000; (c) Office of the Treasurer, $350,000; (d) Secret Service Division, $130,000; (e) Bureau of Accounts, $2,025,000; for administrative accounting; total, Treasury Department, $6,005,000. (b) The appropriations in this section shall not be used to pay the compensation of persons employed entirely upon the regular work (as distinguished from emergency work under appropriations in this section) of any department or agency, nor to pay the compensation of employees engaged partially upon such regular work unless, in the determination of the head of such department or agency (which determination shall be conclusive), offsetting employment upon such emergency work of such department or agency is performed by employees paid from the regular funds thereof. UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION COMMISSION SEC. 3 . (a) In order to carry out the provisions of section 18 of this Act, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, $3,500,000, which sum shall be added to the appropriation "Employees' Compensation Fund, Emergency Relief" contained in subsection (b) of this section. (b) Employees' compensation fund, emergency relief: The unex- pended balance of the special funds set up on the books of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Appro- priation Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, and fiscal year 1941, and paragraph 18 of the "National Youth Administration Appropria- tion Act, 1941", shall be available for expenditure during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, and such balance combined with the appro- priation in subsection (a) of this section shall be one fund available for the payment of compensation accruing under section 18 of this Act and under the other Acts enumerated in this subsection, including payments to Federal agencies for medical and hospital services and including advancement of costs for the enforcement of recoveries as provided in sections 26 and 27 of the Act of September 7, 1916, as matle applicable to relief emnployments: Provided, That $700,000 of such combined appropriation shatll be available during the fiscal year 1942 for administrative expenses and not to exceed $75.000 thereof may be added to the appropriation in the "Employees' Compensation Commission Appropriation Act, 1942" for salaries and expenses of such Commission and be available for the purposes thereof: Provided further, That this appropriation shall not be limited in its use to the United States, its Territories and possessions, for payment of com- pensation benefits. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS SEC. 4 . Funds appropriated in this joint resolution to the various Federal agencies shall be so apportioned and distributed over the period ending June 30, 1942, and shall be so administered during such period as to constitute the total amount that will be furnished to such agencies during such period for the purposes herein set forth. SEC. 5 . The funds made available by this joint resolution shall be used only for work relief for employable persons in need except as otherwise specifically provided herein. SEC. 6 . (a) The Commissioner, with the approval of the Federal Works Administrator, is authorized to allocate not to exceed $8,500,000 of the appropriation contained in section 1 (a) to other 399 Persons employed upon regular work. Funds available. Post, p. 404 . Reappropriations. 15U.S.C., ch. 16 (note). 54 Stat. 611, 593. Post. p. 404 . 39 Stllt. 747. 51U. S. ('. § 776, 777. Ailinistrative ex- penlses. Post. p. 494. Use of funds. Apportionment and distribution of funds. Restriction. Allocation of funds to other Federal agen- cies.