Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/435

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 267-JULY 1, 1941 Use of central store- house. Annual Budget, re- quirement. Purchase of domes- tic twine. Post, pp. 750, 831. charged proportionately to the proper appropriation: Provided fur- ther, That the facilities of the central storehouse of the Department shall to the fullest extent practicable be used to make unnecessary the maintenance of separate bureau storehouse activities in the Depart- ment: Provided further, That a separate schedules of expenditures, transfers of funds, or other transactions hereunder shall be included in the annual Budget: Provided further, That, except to provide materials required in or incident to research or experimental work where no suitable domestic product is available, no part of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be expended in the purchase of twine manufactured from commodities or materials produced outside of the United States. Total, Office of the Secretary, $708,765. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR Legal services. For all legal services for the Department of Agriculture, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including clerical and other neces- sary expenses incident thereto, $209,535, together with not to exceed such amounts from other appropriations or authorizations as are pro- vided in the schedules in the Budget for the fiscal year 1942 for such services and other expenses, which several amounts shall be trans- Prsoaiseices ferred to and made a part of this appropriation: Provided, That there may be expended for personal services in the District of Colum- bia not to exceed the total amount set up in the Budget schedules for such fiscal year for such purpose under the several appropriations Transfer of funds. herein involved: Provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture, in his discretion, may transfer to this appropriation, from the funds Post, pp. 441 , 443. available for the operations of the Rural Electrification Administra- tion and the Farm Credit Administration, such sums as he may determine are properly allocable to the cost of providing legal serv- ices for these agencies, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including clerical and other necessary expenses incident thereto: Salary limitation. Provided further, That no part of the funds provided in this appro- priation shall be used to pay any salary for legal services in excess of that authorized by law for the Solicitor of the Department of Agriculture. OFFICE OF INFORMATION Post, p. 831. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses in connection with the publication, indexing, illustration, and distribution of bulletins, documents, and reports, including labor-saving machinery and supplies, envelopes, stationery and materials, office furniture and fixtures, photographic equipment and materials, artists' tools and supplies, telephone and telegraph service, freight and express charges; purchase and maintenance of bicycles; purchase of manuscripts; travel expenses; electrotypes, illus- trations, and other expenses not otherwise provided for, $344,883, of which not to exceed $327,062 may be used for personal services in the District of Columbia. PRINTING AND BINDING Annual Report of Secretary. For all printing and binding for the Department of Agriculture including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $1,550,111, including the purchase of reprints of scientific and technical articles published in periodicals and journals; the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, as required by the Acts of January 12, 410 [55 STAT.