Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/505

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 269-JULY 1, 1941 Ante, p. 471. Infra. Amount chargeable toD.C. Post, p . 506. Post, p . 831. Supra. Exhibits. 46 Stat. 818 . Transfer of funds. Ante, p. 471. Proviso. be transferred from this appropriation to the appropriation "Trav- eling expenses, Federal Security Agency" and that $2,500 shall be transferred to the appropriation "Miscellaneous and contingent expenses, Public Health Service": Provided further, That 65 per centum of each of the foregoing appropriations for the Freedmen's Hospital shall be chargeable to the District of Columbia and paid in like manner as other appropriations of the District of Columbia are paid, subject, however, to adjustments from time to time to be made during and at the end of the fiscal year so that the portion of each of these appropriations charged to the District of Columbia shall bear the same ratio to the total of each appropriation as the number of hospital days of service to persons who have resided in the District of Columbia for over one year on the day of admission bears to the total number of hospital days of service performed. HOWARD UNIVERSITY Salaries: For payment'in full or in part of the salaries of the officers, professors, teachers, and other regular employees of the university, the balance to be paid from privately contributed funds, $581,000; General expenses: For equipment, supplies, apparatus, furniture, cases and shelving, stationery, ice, repairs to buildings and grounds, and for other necessary expenses, $204,600. PUBLIO HEALTH SERVICE Salaries, Office of Surgeon General: For personal services in the District of Columbia, $288,500. Miscellaneous and contingent expenses: For miscellaneous and contingent expenses necessary for the work of the Public Health Service, including stationery supplies; exchange of motortrucks; operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger-carrying automo- biles; exchange of typewriters and other labor-saving office equip- ment; contract stenographic reporting services; not to exceed $1,000 for the preparation of Public Health exhibits, including personal services and the cost of acquiring, transporting, and displaying exhibit materials; packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of personal effects of commllissioued( ofhicers and other personnel on transfer from one official station to another in the public interest when authorized by the Surgeon General in the order directing such transfer; not to exceed $500 for lawbooks, books of reference, and periodicals for the Office of the Surgeon General; streetcar fares; transportation and traveling expenses, including payment of actual transportation expenses and not to exceed $10 per day in lieu of subsistence to any person invited by the Surgeon General to the city of Washington or elsewhere for conference and advisory purposes, and expenses, except membership fees, of officers when officially detailed to attend meetings for the promotion of public health; and allowances for living quarters (not exceeding $1,700 for any one person), including heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (5 U. S. C. 118a); $103,000, of which $12,140 and such additional amounts as may be transferred to this appro- priation from the Department of Justice shall be transferred to the appropriation "Traveling Expenses, Federal Security Agency": Pro- vided, That funds of the Public Health Service expendable for trans- portation and traveling expenses may also be used for preparation for shipment and transportation to their former homes of remains of officers who die in line of duty. [55 STAT.