Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/608

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 285 , 287-JULY 9, 11 , 1941 and six and four-tenths feet; thence south nine degrees thirty-six minutes west twenty-one and eight-tenths feet; thence around a forty- six-degree curve to the left one hundred and forty-seven and no tenths feet; thence south fifty-seven degrees fifty-seven minutes east eighty-one and four-tenths feet to the west right-of-way line of the existing road, containing in all seventy-seven one-hundredths acre, more or less: Provided, That title to the land to be acquired shall be Provisos. subject to the approval of the Attorney General: Provided further, That the conveyance of the land of the United States shall be by quitclaim deed. Approved, July 9, 1941. [CHAPTER 287] AN ACT To prohibit prostitution within such reasonable distance of military and/or naval establishments as the Secretaries of War and/or Navy shall determine to be needful to the efficiency, health, and welfare of the Army and/or Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That until May 15, 1945, it shall be unlawful, within such reasonable distance of any military or naval camp, station, fort, post, yard, base, cantonment, training or mobilization place as the Secretaries of War and/or Navy shall determine to be needful to the efficiency, health, and welfare of the Army and/or Navy, and shall designate and publish in general orders or bulletins, to engage in prostitution or to aid or abet prosti- tution or to procure or solicit for the purposes of prostitution, or to keep or set up a house of ill fame, brothel, or bawdy house, or to receive any person for purposes of lewdness, assignation, or prostitu- tion into any vehicle, conveyance, place, structure, or building, or to permit any person to remain for the purpose of lewdness, assignation, or prostitution in any vehicle, conveyance, place, structure, or build- ing or to lease, or rent, or contract to lease or rent any vehicle, conveyance, place, structure, or building, or part thereof, knowing or with good reason to know that it is intended to be used for any of the purposes herein prohibited; and any person, corporation, part- nership, or association violating the provisions of this Act shall, unless otherwise punishable under the Articles of War or the Articles for the Government of the Navy, be deemed guilty of a nmisdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both such fine and inprisonment, and any person subject to military or naval law violating this Act shall be punished as provided by the Articles of War or the Articles for the Government of the Navy, and the Secretaries of War and of the Navy and the Federal Security Administrator are each hereby authorized and directed to take such steps as they deem necessary to suppress and prevent the violation thereof, and to accept the cooperation of the authorities of States and their counties, dis- tricts, and other political subdivisions in carrying out the purposes of this Act: Provided,That nothing in this Act shall be construed as conferring on the personnel of the War or Navy Department or the Federal Security Agency any authority to make criminal investiga- tions, searches, seizures, or arrests of civilians charged with violations of this Act. Approved, July 11, 1941. July 11, 1941 [H. R. 2475] [Public Law 163] Prohibiting prosti- tution, etc., near mili- tary and naval estab- lishments. Punishment. Proviso. Limitation on authority. 583