Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/642

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 353-AUG. 16, 1941 [CHAPTER 353] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to convey to the Territory of Hawaii certain [st . 1341 lands on the island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, in consideration of the Gov- [Public Law 204] ernor of Hawaii having transferred to the United States certain lands in the Hawaiian Islands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Oahu, T. H of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to convey to the Territory of Hawaii all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to that portion of the military reservation known as Hickam Field, island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, containing about ninety-seven and thirteen one-hundredths acres, described in subsection (a) of this Act, in consideration of the Governor of Hawaii having transferred to the United States five tracts of land containing about seven hundred and fifty and four hundred and ninety-five one-thousandths acres in the Hawaiian Islands described in subsection (b) of this Act: (a) Beginning at an iron pin marking the most easterly corner Description of Hickam Field Military Reservation, said point is located thirteen thousand six hundred and twenty-one and twenty-six one-hundredths feet south and three thousand two hundred and seventy-two and fifty one-hundredths feet west from United States Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation station "Salt Lake"; thence from said point of beginning by azimuths (measured clockwise from true south) and' distances as follows: Fifteen degrees twenty-six minutes thirty sec- onds, one hundred and seventy-four and fifty one-hundredths feet to a pipe; thence fifty-seven degrees fifty-three minutes and no sec- onds, six hundred and forty and thirty one-hundredths feet along Kaihikapu Pond to concrete post; thence sixty degrees forty-three minutes thirty seconds, eight hundred and thirty-six and sixty one- hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence sixty-four degrees thirty-eight minutes thirty seconds, one hundred and ninety and ten one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence sixty-six degrees forty-one minutes and no seconds, three hundred and forty-one and ninety one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence three hun- dred and forty-six degrees twelve minutes and no seconds, fifty-two and twenty one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe, thence two hundred and eighty-four degrees twenty-four minutes and no seconds, one hundred and fifty-four and seventy one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence two degrees three minutes and no seconds, two hundred and sixteen and ninety one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence eight degrees twelve minutes and no seconds, one hun- dred and eighty-seven and forty one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence thirteen degrees thirty-four minutes thirty seconds, two hundred and sixty-one and sixty one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence eleven degrees twenty-nine minutes thirty sec- onds, one hundred and eighty-four and ten one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence sixteen degrees seven minutes thirty seconds, two hundred and twelve and ten one-hundredths feet along the same to pipe; thence one hundred and sixty-nine degrees nineteen minutes twenty-four seconds, four thousand two hundred and forty-three and thirty-five one-hundredths feet along the remainder of Hickam Field Military Reservation to the boundary of Land Court Application 1074; thence two hundred and seventy degrees no minutes and no seconds, one thousand and forty-nine and fifteen one-hundredths feet along Land Court Application 1074 to a spike; thence three hundred and forty-six degrees forty-five minutes and no seconds, one thousand five hundred and seventy-seven and thirty one-hundredths feet along 617