Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/649

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 358, 359-AUG. 16, 1941 Whereas the said Henry Melchior Muhlenberg was prominently identified with the early days of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, having been active for many years in the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, mother synod of the Lutheran Church in America; and Whereas the said Henry Melchior Muhlenberg was the father of Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, first Speaker of the House of Representatives, and of General John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, a friend of George Washington and a member of his staff, famous for his action in having thrown off his clerical gown while deliv- ering a sermon at Woodstock, Virginia, disclosing himself dressed in the uniform of an officer of the Continental Army and making a remark to the effect that there was a time to pray and a time to fight; and Whereas it is appropriate that the Government and the people of the United States should join with Muhlenberg College in the celebrations commemorating the two-hundredth anniversary of the arrival in the American colonies of one so closely identified with the early days of the Republic: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Observance. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Govern- ment and people of the United States unite with Muhlenberg College in a fitting and appropriate observance of the two-hundredth anni- versary of the arrival in the American colonies of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Commission estab- ShEC 2. There is hereby established a commission to be known as the United States Muhlenberg Bicentennial Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) to be composed of fifteen Commis- sioners, as follows: The President of the United States and four persons to be appointed by him, the President of the Senate and four Members of the Senate to be appointed by said President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and four Members of the House to be appointed by said Speaker. Participation. SEC. 3 . The Commission, on behalf of the United States, shall cooperate with representatives of Muhlenberg College extend appro- priate courtesies to the delegates of foreign universities and other foreign learned bodies or individuals attending the celebrations com- memorating such anniversary. NtMoutcopena SEC. 4. The members of the Commission shall serve without com- tion. pensation and shall select a chairman from among their number, but the President of the United States shall be designated as the "hon- orary chairman" of the Commission. Vacancies. SEc. 5. Any vacancies occurring in the membership of the Com- mission shall be filled in the same manner in which original appointments to such Commission are made. Approved, August 16, 1941. [CHAPTER 359] August 16, 1941 [H. R . 3537] [Public Law 210] Naval aviation fa- cilities, establishment, etc. Ante, p. 66. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to establish, develop, or increase naval aviation facilities, designed primarily for lighter-than-air pur- poses with which shall be included the authority to acquire land, with approximate costs as indicated, at or in the vicinity of the following areas: li [55 STAT. 624 I