Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/664

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55 STAT.] 77TH OONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 377-AUG. 18 , 1941 the full utilization of the site for all purposes of conservation such as flood control, navigation, reclamation, the development of hydro- electric power, and the abatement of pollution. SEC. 3. That the following works of improvement for the benefit of navigation and the control of destructive floodwaters and other purposes are hereby adopted and authorized in the interest of national security and the stabilization of employment, and shall be prosecuted as speedily as may be consistent with budgetary require- ments, under the direction of the Secretary of War and the super- vision of the Chief of Engineers in accordance with the plans in the respective reports hereinafter designated and subject to the condi- tions set forth therein: Provided, That penstocks or other similar facilities adapted to possible future use in the development of hydro- electric power shall be installed in any dam herein authorized when approved by the Secretary of War upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers and of the Federal Power Commission: 639 Projects adopted and authorized. Proviso. Penstocks, etc. CONNECTICUT RIVER BASIN In addition to previous authorizations, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $6,000,000 for local protection works and $10,000,000 for reservoirs for the prosecution of the comprehen- sive plan approved in the Act of June 28, 1938, for the Connecticut River Basin, and such comprehensive plan is hereby modified to include the works recommended by the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 653, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, and House Document Numbered 724, Seventy-sixth Congress, third ses- sion, with such further modifications as may be found justifiable in the discretion of the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers. The Secretary of War is authorized to reimburse the city of Hartford, Connecticut, the sum of $252,000 heretofore contributed to the United States by said city for the realignment of the South Meadows section of the flood-protection works in accordance with the plans contained in House Document Numbered 653, Seventy- sixth Congress, third session: Provided, That there shall be deducted from the aforementioned sum any reimbursement which may be made to said city pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of the War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1938, approved July 19, 1937. THAMES RIVER BASIN The plan for a system of reservoirs and channel improvements in the Thames River Basin, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachu- setts, in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engi- neers in House Document Numbered 885, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, is approved, and there is hereby authorized $6,000,000 for initiation and partial accomplishment of the project. PAWTUXET RIVER BASIN The project for local flood protection on the North Branch of Pawtuxet River at Clyde, Rhode Island, and for the Pontiac diver- sion is hereby authorized to be constructed substantially in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 747, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, at an estimated cost of $1,320,000. HUDSON RIVER BASIN The projects adopted by the Act of June 22, 1936, to provide for local flood-protection works in the Hoosic River Basin at North Adams in Massachusetts; at Hoosick Falls, New York, and at Ben- Local protection works, etc. Additional appro-- priations authorized. 62 Stat. 1216. Hartford, Conn., re - imbursement. Proviso. 50 Stat. 1l5. Appropriation authorized. HoosicRiver,Mass., N. Y., and Vt. 49 Stat. 1572.