Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/705

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 409-AUG. 25, 1941 School at Saint Thomas, V. I . Ante, pp. 171, 608. Ante, p. 41. Transfer of funds. Ante, p. 171. Limitation in- creased. Ante, p. 41. Ante, p. 608 . Ante, p. 658 . Ante, p. 174. Ante, p. 175. Ante, p. 556 . Marijo McMillan Williams. Ante, p. 156. Office of Budget and Reports. Establishment, duties, etc. Transportation of troops and applicants for enlistment, $1,640,000; Repairs of barracks, $2,600,000; Forage, $6,000; Miscellaneous supplies and expenses, $5,220,000; In all, $72,940,000, including care and operation of a school at Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands, and including transportation of dependents of retired and Reserve officers and of retired and Reserve enlisted men (of the grades entitled to transportation of dependents in the Regular Marine Corps) when ordered to active duty (other than training) and upon release therefrom. INCREASE AND REPLACEMENT OF NAVAL VESSELS Construction and machinery: The limitation on obligations for tools, facilities, and equipment for building or equipping any complete naval vessel or portion thereof contained in title VI of the Naval Appropria- tion Act for the fiscal year 1941 (Fourth Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1941) is increased to $800,000,000. Armor, armament, and ammunition: The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to transfer $11,000,000 of the funds heretofore appropriated under this heading to the War Department for War Department facili- ties for the loading and assembling of 20-millimeter ammunition and the limitation of obligations for the necessary tools, equipment, and facilities at naval establishments or private plants for the manufacture or production of ordnance material, munitions, and armor contained in title VI of the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1941 (Fourth Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1941) is increased to $425,000,000. REPAIR FACILITIES, NAVY Repair facilities, Navy: For essential equipment and facilities of all kinds at either private or naval establishments for the repair and conversion of ships, including the necessary purchase of land, to remain available until expended, $160,000,000. NAVAL EMERGENCY FUND Naval emergency fund: For local and passive defense installations, and the rental, acquisition, and construction of section bases, station ships, or barracks, and of training and defense facilities and equip- ment of all kinds, including the necessary purchase of land, to remai available until expended, $5,000,000. NAVY DEPARTMENT Contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Hydrographic Office, $190,000. Contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Observatory: The appropriation of $1,400 contained in the Second Deficiency Appropri- ation Act, 1941, under the heading "Naval Observatory , is hereby reappropriated and made available until June 30, 1942. Relief of Marijo McMillan Williams: For the relief of Marijo McMillan Williams, as authorized by the Act approved June 3, 1941 (Private Law 73, Seventy-seventh Congress), $868.01, to be paid from the appropriation "Maintenance, Bureau of Ships, 1942." SEC. 201. That there is hereby created and established in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy an Office of Budget and Reports, which shall be charged with such duties pertaining to naval budgetary matters and statistical and work reporting as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. All of the duties of this Office shall be [55 STAT.