Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/732

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS. -CH. 412-SEPT. 20 , 1941 707 (4) CAPITAL STOCK IssUES.-Section 1802 (a) is amended by 53 Stat. 196; 54 Stat. striking out "10 cents until July 1, 1945, and 5 cents thereafter" 26U. s. c . 1802(a). and the comma wherever following such expression and insert- ing in lieu thereof "11 cents"; and by striking out "2 cents until July 1, 1945, and 1 cent thereafter," and inserting in lieu thereof "3 cents". (5) CAPrrAL STOCK TRNSFERS. -Section 1802 (b) is amended 232tat. 196;54Stat by striking out "4 cents until July 1 1945, and 2 cents there- 26U. . C.182(b). after," and inserting in lieu thereof '5 cents"; and by striking out "5 cents instead of 4 cents until July 1, 1945" and inserting in lieu thereof "6 cents". (6) INSURANCE POLIClES.- Section 1804 is amended by striking 53 Stat. 197. out "3 cents" and inserting in lieu thereof "4 cents". SC. 4. (7) PASSAGE TICKETS. - Section 1806 is amended by striking out 53 Stat. 199. "$1" and inserting in lieu thereof "$1.10"; by striking out "$3" 26 . 1. and inserting in lieu thereof "$3.30"; and by striking out "$5" and inserting in lieu thereof "$5.50". (8) CIGARETTEs.-Section 2000 (c) (2) is amended by striking 53 Stats. 2019 out "$3" and inserting in lieu thereof "$3.25" and by striking out (c)(2). "$7.20" and inserting in lieu thereof "$7.80". (9) PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS.- Section 2700 (a) is amended by 53Stat. 288. striking out "10 per centum" and inserting in lieu thereof "11 per centum". (10) FERMENTED MALT LIQUORS. -Section 3150 (a) is amended 53 Stat. 365l0(a). by striking out "$5" and inserting in lieu thereof "$6". is 53 Stat. 388 . (11) WHOLESALERS OF LIQUOR. - Section 3250 (a) (1) is 2^S. 38 . §3250 amended by striking out "$100" and inserting in lieu thereof (a)(1). "$110". (12) RETAILERS OF LIQUOR. - Section 3250 (b) is amended by 53 St. 388 . striking out "$25" and inserting in lieu thereof "$27.50". (13) BREwERs. -Section 3250 (c) is amended by striking out 3 tas.. 3250(). "$100" and inserting in lieu thereof "$110" and by striking out "$50" and inserting in lieu thereof "$55". (14) WHOLESALERS OF MALT LIQUORS.-Section 3250 (d) is 26U .s. .320 (d). amended by striking out "$50" and inserting in lieu thereof "$55". (15) RETAILERS OF MALT LIQUORS.- Section 3250 (e) (1) is w t's'c.:(w amended by striking out "$20" and inserting in lieu thereof "$22", and section 3250 (e) (3) is amended by striking out "$2" and inserting in lieu thereof "$2.20". (16) RECTIFIERS.- Setio(l 3250 (f) (1) is amended by striking 5 . t 3 out "$200" and inserting in lieu thereof "$220"; and by striking (I(. out "$100" and inserting in lieu thereof "$110". (17) STILLS. -Section 3250 (j) is amended by striking out 23Stat 0 390. "$50" and inserting in lieu thereof "$55"; and by striking out "$20" and inserting in lieu thereof "$22". (18) FIREARMS, ETc. -Section 3407 is amended by striking out 5326 . .C §340 "10 per centum" and inserting in lieu thereof "11 per centum". (19) ELECTRICAL ENERGY.- Section 3411 is amended by striking 23 U.S. C. 3411 . out "3 per centum" and inserting in lieu thereof "31/3 per centum". (20) GAsoLINE. -Section 3412 (a) is amended by striking out 2USt. s341 (a). "1 cent" and inserting in lieu thereof "1/ cents". (21) LUBRICATING O0Ls. -Section 3413 is amended by striking 53 Sat. 414 . 2IU.s .C. §3413. out "4 cents" and inserting in lieu thereof "41/2 cents". (22) TRANSPORTATION OF OIL BY PIPE LINE--Section 3460 (a) is 522.tat tat amended by striking out "4 per centum" and inserting in lieu 2U.8 .C.160(a) thereof "4/2 per centum". (23) TRANSFER OF BONDS.- Section 3481 (a) is amended by 26.s . C I(). striking out "4 cents" and inserting in lieu thereof "5 cents". Ia e bys o 53 Stat. 42; 54 Stat. (24) CoNvErANcEs. -Section 3482 is amended by striking out U. st . at "50 cents" and inserting in lieu thereof "55 cents". 26 U. . C. 3-2.