Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/777

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752 PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 460 -OCT. 28 , 1941 [55 STAT. Ante, p. 336. Advances to Colorado River Dam Fund, Boulder Canyon project: For an additional amount for the construction of the Boulder Dam and incidental works in the main stream of the Colorado River at Black Canyon, fiscal year 1942, $1,750,000, to remain available until advanced to the Colorado River Dam Fund. Infra. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Ante, p. 340. Strategic and critical minerals: For an additional amount for scientific and economic investigations of strategic and critical min- erals in the United States or its Territories or insular possessions, fiscal year 1942, $50,000, including the purchase of office equipment for use in the District of Columbia; and the limitation of $35,000 on the amount which may be expended for services in the District of Columbia under this heading in the Interior Department Appro- Ante, p. 340. priation Act, 1942, is hereby increased to $45,000. Ante, p. 341 . BUREAU OF MINES Investigation of bauxite and alunite ores and aluminum clay deposits: For all necessary expenses for investigations, including laboratory research and procurement of materials therefor, concerning the extent, mode of occurrence, and quality of bauxite and alunite ores and aluminum clays in order to determine domestic sources of supply; to explore and develop on public lands and, with the consent of owners, on private lands, deposits of such ores and clays, including geologic studies and geophysical prospecting; construction, mainte- nance, and repair of necessary camp buildings and mining structures Persona services. and appurtenances; including not to exceed $33,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia; purchase (not to exceed $6,000), exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance and repair of motor-propelled vehicles; professional and scientific books and pub- lications; printing and binding; purchase of such wearing apparel and equipment as may be required for the protection of employees while engaged in their work; and other items otherwise properly charge- able to the appropriation Contingent Expenses, Department of the Interior, fiscal year 1942, to remain available until June 30 1943, $415,000, of which amount $70,000 (including not to exceed $17,500 for personal services in the District of Columbia) shall be made avail- Ante, p. 339; upra. able to the Geological Survey to carry out the purposes of this appro- PoViao. priation: Provided,That the Secretary of the Interior, acting through ontribution the Directors of the Bureau of Mines and the Geological Survey, is hereby authorized to accept buildings, equipment, and other contribu- tions from public or private sources offering to cooperate in carrying out the purposes of this appropriation, and to carry out the projects in cooperation with other departments or agencies of the Federal Government, States and State agencies, and other organizations: Pro- 41 U. . C.C. vided further, That section 3709 of the Revised Statutes shall not be construed to apply to this appropriation. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES Legislative expenses, Territory of Alaska: For an additional amount for legislative expenses, Territory of Alaska, fiscal year 1941, $749.39; and the limitations in the appropriation contained under 4Stat. 47. this heading in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1941, are hereby amended to read as follows: "For salaries of members, $21,600; mileage of members, $9,081.60; salaries of employees, $5,140; printing, indexing, and binding journals, stationery, supplies, print- ing of bills, reports, and so forth, $14,927.79; in all, $50,749.39."