Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/785

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760 PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 468 , 469-NOV. 5, 7 , 1941 [55 STAT. Secretary of the Navy, as aviation pilots shall, while on active duty, receive the pay of the third grade, or that of their rating, whichever is greater. ommissions. SEC. 3. Aviation pilots of the Naval Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve may, if qualified under regulations prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Navy, be commissioned as ensigns in the Naval Reserve or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserve. Dischargeorrelease. SEC. 4. Any student aviation pilot or aviation pilot designated as such in accordance with sections 1 and 2 of this Act may at any time, in the discretion of such administrative authority as the Secretary of the Navy may designate, be discharged or released from active duty. Uniforms, etc. dg 5. Student aviation pilots shall, while undergoing training, be issued necessary uniforms and equipment at Government expense. Governmet li in- SEC. 6. Enlisted personnel of the Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve, while on active duty undergoing training leading to designa- tion as aviation pilot, and thereafter while on continuous active duty in an enlisted status with designation as aviation pilot, shall be issued Government life insurance in the amount of $10,000, under the 54 Stat. 108. National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940 (Public, Numbered 801, 1s u.. ' s01- Seventy-sixth Congress, title VI, part I), the premiums for which shall be paid from the current appropriations "Pay, subsistence and transportation, Navy", "Naval Reserve", or "Pay, Marine Corps", as Continuance upon may be appropriate. Upon release from active duty or discharge such release from active . dutyetc.r a enlisted personnel, or, upon commissioning pursuant to section 3 of this Act, such commissioned officers shall have the option of continu- ing such insurance at their own expense. Applicability to SEC. 7. The provisions of this Act, except as may be necessary to Coast GuardReserve. adapt the same thereto, shall apply to regular enlisted members of the Coast Guard Reserve in relationship to the Coast Guard in the same manner and to the same extent and with the same relative con- ditions in all respects, including availability of applicable appropria- tions, as are provided for enlisted men of the Naval Reserve in rela- tionship to the Navy, and the authority conferred upon the Secretary of the Navy in respect to the Navy is similarly conferred upon the Secretary of the Treasury in respect to the Coast Guard. Approved, November 5, 1941. [CHAPTER 469] AN ACT November 7, 1941 AN ACT [H. R. 4599] To authorize the Federal Security Administrator to accept gifts for Saint (Public Law 2901 Elizabeths Hospital and to provide for the administration of such gifts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the HOspaln li,'abeths United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Acceptance of gifts Security Administrator is authorized to accept on behalf of the for. United States gifts made unconditionally by will or otherwise for the improvement, maintenance, or operation of Saint Elizabeths Hos- pital in the District of Columbia. Conditional gifts may be so accepted if recommended by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, and the principal of and income from any such conditional gift shall be held, invested, reinvested, and used in accord- ance with its conditions, but no gift shall be accepted which is con- ditioned upon any expenditure not to be met therefrom or from the income thereof unless such expenditure has been approved by Act of Congress. of money, etc f t SEC. 2. Any unconditional gift of money accepted pursuant to the authority granted in section 1 of this Act, the net proceeds from the