Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/863

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838 December 18, 194 [H. R. 6233] [Public Law 354 First War Poi Act, 1941. Redistribution functions amo executive agencies Regulations orders. 49 Stat. 501. 44 U.. C .030, Provisos. Termination. Exercise of au ity. General Accou Office. Coordination, of existing agenc Expenditu moneys. [CHAPTER 593] i1 AN ACT To expedite the prosecution of the war effort. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ers TITLE I-COORDINATION OF EXECUTIVE BUREAUS IN THE INTEREST OF THE MORE EFFICIENT CONCEN- TRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT of SECrION 1. That for the national security and defense, for the suc- 'ng cessful prosecution of the war, for the support and maintenance of the Army and Navy, for the better utilization of resources and indus- tries, and for the more effective exercise and more efficient adminis- tration by the President of his powers as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, the President is hereby authorized to make such redistribution of functions among executive agencies as he may deem necessary, including any functions, duties, and powers hitherto by law conferred upon any executive department, commission, bureau, agency, governmental corporation, office, or officer, in such manner as in his judgment shall seem best fitted to carry out the purposes and of this title, and to this end is authorized to make such regulations and to issue such orders as he may deem necessary, which regulations and orders shall be in writing and shall be published in accordance with the Federal Register Act of 1935: Provided, That the termina- tion of this title shall not affect any act done or any right or obliga- tion accruing or accrued pursuant to this title and during the time . thor- that this title is in force: Provided further, That the authority by this title granted shall be exercised only in matters relating to the oting conduct of the present war: Provided further, That no redistribution of functions shall provide for the transfer, consolidation, or abolition of the whole or any part of the General Accounting Office or of all or any part of its functions. etc., SEC. 2. That in carrying out the purposes of this title the President ies. is authorized to utilize, coordinate, or consolidate any executive or administrative commissions, bureaus, agencies, governmental corpora- tions, offices, or officers now existing by law, to transfer any duties or powers from one existing department, commission, bureau, agency, governmental corporation, office, or officer to another, to transfer the personnel thereof or any part of it either by detail or assignment, together with the whole or any part of the records and public prop- erty belonging thereto. re of SEC. 3 . That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this title, any moneys heretofore and hereafter appropriated for the use of any executive department, commission, bureau, agency, govern- mental corporation, office, or officer shall be expended only for the purposes for which it was appropriated under the direction of such other agency as may be directed by the President hereunder to per- form and execute said functions, except to the extent hereafter authorized by the Congress in appropriation Acts or otherwise. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 591, 593-DEC. 17, 18 , 1941 [55 STAT. one year, or both: Provided further, That the above penalty clause shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other provi- sions of existing law. SEo. 503. This Act may be cited as the "Third Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942". Approved, December 17, 1941. Short title.