Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/873

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848 Ante, p . 361. Use of funds. 42 Stat. 1488. 5 U.S . C . §§661-674. Ante, p. 613. 41U.S.C. 5. Repayment. Prorisos. Intrenst rate. Inclusion in annual estimates. Reimbursement un der designated Acts. 46 Stat. 485. D. C. Code I 8-10O note. 52 Stat. 1204 . D. C. Code §9-210 Repayment ofwate and highway projects Report to Congres PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 604-DEC. 20, 1941 ject to the provisions of the Act of June 28, 1941 (Public, Numbered 137, Seventy-seventh Congress), is authorized to advance the sum of $2,500,000, or any part thereof, in addition to any sums heretofore advanced to the District of Columbia, out of funds authorized by law for the Administrator, for the acquisition, purchase construction, establishment, and development of defense public works and equip- ment, and all sums so advanced shall be deposited in full with the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia. SEC. 2. The sum authorized by section 1 hereof, or any part thereof, shall, when advanced, be available to the Commissioners for the acquisition by dedication, purchase, or condemnation of the fee-simple title to improved or unimproved land, or rights or easements in land, for the public uses authorized by this Act; for the demolition of structures, buildings, and improvements on lands or interests in land acquired under this Act; for the construction of buildings, water facilities, sewer facilities, highways, fire-alarm extensions, and other public works, including materials and labor, heating, lighting, ele- vators, plumbing, landscaping, and all other appurtenances, and the purchase and installation of pipe lines, machinery, furniture, equip- ment, apparatus, and any and all other expenditures necessary for or incident to the complete construction and equipment for use of the aforesaid buildings, plants, and facilities; and for the making of surveys and the preparation of plans, designs, estimates, models, and specifications; and for architectural, engineering, and other pro- fessional services and other technical and administrative personnel without reference to the civil-service requirements, or the Classifica- tion Act of 1923, as amended, and section 3709 of the Revised Stat- utes; for the rental of such office facilities as may in the opinion of the Commissioners be necessary. SEC. 3 . The Federal Works Administrator shall be repaid such por- tion as may be determined by the President of any moneys advanced under section 1 of this Act in annual installments over a period of not to exceed ten years, with interest thereon beginning July 1, 1942, for the period of amortization: Provided, That such interest shall be at such rate as would, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treas- ury, be the lowest interest rate available to the District of Colum- bia on the date of the approval of this Act were said District author- ized by law to issue and sell obligations to the public, at the par value thereof, in a sum equal to the repayable amounts of such advances, maturing serially over a period of ten years in approxi- mately equal annual installments, including both principal and interest, and secured by a first pledge of and lien upon all the general- fund revenues of said District: Provided further, That such sums as may be necessary for the reimbursement herein required of the District of Columbia, and for the payment of interest, shall be included in the annual estimates of the Commissioners, the first reim- bursement to be made on July 1, 1943: And provided further, That whenever the District of Columbia is under obligation by virtue of the provisions of section 4 of Public Act Numbered 284, Seventy- first Congress, and section 3 of Public Act Numbered 746, Seventy- fifth Congress, reimbursement under those Acts shall be not less than $700,000 in any one fiscal year. r SEC. 4. The Commissioners are hereby authorized to make reim- bursement to the Administrator under section 3 hereof for water projects and highway projects, respectively, from the water fund and the gas-tax fund of the District of Columbia. . SEC. 5. The Commissioners shall submit with their annual estimates to the Congress a report of their activities and expenditures under section 1 of this Act. Approved, December 20, 1941. [55 STAT.