Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/904

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 643, 644-DEC. 31, 1941 as the Governor of the Panama Canal may grant to such pastors and to the pastors of other churches serving American residents of the Canal Zone; (3) shall prescribe the duties and delimit the jurisdic- tion of the local councils; (4) shall determine the nature of the activi- ties and teachings of the Union Church of the Canal Zone; and (5) shall determine the relationship between the Union Church of the Canal Zone as represented by the general council and board of trustees, and the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America and the various denominational boards. COMPLETION OF ORGANIZATION SEC. 6. The persons specifically named in section 1 shall constitute the first board of trustees, and the members of the general or execu- tive council in office the date this Act becomes effective with such changes as may be made in accordance with the constitution and by- laws of the existing unincorporated Union Church shall constitute the general council, and the members of both shall continue in office until their successors are elected in accordance with the constitution and bylaws adopted by the incorporators. Approved, December 31, 1941. [CHAPTER 644] AN ACT To establish a military code for the Territory of Alaska. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the militia of the Territory of Alaska shall consist of all able-bodied male citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied males who shall have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, residing within the Territory, who shall be more than eighteen years of age and, except as hereinafter provided, not more than forty-five years of age, and said militia shall be divided into two classes: The Organized Militia, to be known as the Alaska National Guard, and the Unorganized Militia. SEC. 2 . The following persons shall be exempt from militia service: Persons exempted by the laws of the United States, judges of the several courts of the Territory, and members and officers of the Alaska Territorial Legislature. SEC. 3 . The Alaska National Guard shall consist of members of the militia voluntarily enlisted therein, who, upon original enlistment, shall be not less than eighteen nor more than forty-five years of age, or who, in subsequent enlistment, shall be not more than sixty-four years of age, organized, armed, equipped, and federally recognized according to the laws of the United States, and of commissioned offi- cers and warrant officers who are citizens of the United States between the ages of twenty-one and sixty-four years and who shall be appointed and commissioned or warranted by the Governor of the Territory: Provided, That former members of the Regular Army, Navy or Marine Corps under sixty-four years of age may enlist in said Alaska National Guard. SEC. 4 . The Governor of the Territory of Alaska, as ex officio com- mander of the militia of the Territory, shall have like command of the Alaska National Guard while not in active Federal service, and is empowered to promulgate all necessary regulations therefor not incon- sistent with this Act. Except as otherwise prescribed by this Act, the Alaska National Guard and its members shall be subject to all Federal laws and regulations relating to the National Guard of the several States and Territories, and of the United States. 879 Activities and teach- ings. December 31, 1941 [H. R . 5822] [Public Law 392] Militia, Alaska. Composition an d classes. Exemtptions from miilitia service. Alaska National Guard. Provafo. Authority of Oov- ernor. Federal laws and regulations.