Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/936

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XXVIII Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1941, Ad- ditional Urgent-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. State, Department of-Continued. Printing and binding ------------ Salaries -------------------- Secretary, Office of ------------- Temporary National Economic Com- mittee --------------------- Treasury Department------------- Coast Guard------------------ Mint, Bureau of the ----------- Veterans' Administration ------. .-- War Department----------------- Engineers, Corps of -------------- District of Columbia, division of ex- penses------------------------ Dehydrated Foods, appropriation for inves- tigations of -------------------- Delano, Frederic A., reappointment to Board of Regents, Smithsonian In- stitution ---------------------- Delaware, Fort Du Pont Military Reser- vation, lands added ..---.----- .-- Delaware River Basin, flood-protection works authorized-- __---.......---- Denison Dam and Reservoir Project, Tex. and Okla., appropriation for survey, etc., of recreational resources - .. -- .- Denmark, appropriation for minister to -_ Denny, Rolland H., conveyance of land to estate of --------------- --- -- Denver, Colo.: Appropriation for- Mint------------------------ Reclamation, Bureau of, establish- ment of branch office ---------- Departments. See Government Depart- ments and Agencies. Dependent Children, appropriation for grants to States for aid to..... -- - - - - - Deschutes Project, Oreg., appropriation for construction-------- ------- Detroit, Mich., appropriation for hydro- graphic office . -- -. -- --. --

Detroit River Postal Service, appropria- tion for.---------------........... Digest of General Public Bills, limitation on expenditure for preparation, etc _ - Diplomatic Officers. See Foreign Service under State, Department of. Disability or Death Compensation, exten- sion of benefits to employees on bases acquired from foreign governments, etc- Disabled American Veterans of the World War, printing of proceedings of na- tional encampments of-- ---------- Disaster Loan Corporation: Lending authority extended----------- Tax exemptions --------------------- Page 202 202 202 200 203 203 203 200 203 203 201 749 666 256 640 352 267 189 225 331 486 334 175 229 460 622 686 248 248 Disbursing OUfcers: rage Citizenship requirements, credit in ac- counts for certain payments in con- travention of-------------------- 136 Credit in accounts of certain ---------- 136 Per diem allowances, validation of certain---------------------- 139 Responsibilities of------------------- 875 Disease and Sanitation Investigations, appropriation for --------------- 483, 831 Distilled Spirits: Tax, collection of, if export cases tam- pered with._- _.--_- --- -__--

602 Tax on ------------------------- 707, 708 Vessels and aircraft, withdrawal free of tax for supplies for certain ---- . 602 District Attorneys, appropriation for sal- aries, etc --------------------- 294, 833 District of Columbia. See also Anacostia, D. C .; Washington, D. C. Administrative expenses, reimburse- ment of district offices----------- 535 Advertising, restriction on use of funds for, in newspapers published out- side District of Columbia -- _- ---- 504 Aeronautics instruction in senior high schools------------------- _ --- _ 806 Appropriation authorized----------- 807 Appropriation for- Alcoholic Beverage Control Board __------------------ 501, 835 Alley Dwelling Authority----------_ 97 Anacostia Park, development------ _ 526 Aqueducts and accessories --- 536, 824 , 836 Assessor's Office--------------- 500, 835 Audited claims ---------------- 83, 549 Auditor's Office--------------- 500, 835 Central garage ------------- -- 504, 835 Claims, settlement of-------------- 201 Collector's Office -------------- 500, 835 Contingent expenses-------- 65, 503, 548 Coroner's Office-- ------------- 501, 548 Corporation Counsel, Office of ----- _ 500 Courts- Court of Appeals --------------- 299 District Court of the United States for----------------------- 298 Juvenile Court ------ --- 518, 548, 836 Miscellaneous----------------- 519 Municipal Court --------- 519, 548, 836 Police Court ------------------ 519 Probation system ----------- ___ 519 Deeds, Recorder of ---------- 200, 503, 835 District buildings, care of-_ - -- - -- _ 500, 835 Electrical Department ------------ 507 Emergency fund ----------

505 Employees' compensation fund_ _65, 502, 835 Engineer Department, Office of Chief Clerk-------- _-- --- --- --- 501, 835 Erroneous collections, refund of - - 505, 548 INDEX ^