Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/946

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Federal Security Agency-Continued. Page 1 Social Security Board-Continued. Interchange of designated appropria- tions ----------------------- 486 Transfer of funds authorized-- . _- - 484, 485 Unemployment compensation admin- istration, payment for postage in connection with------------- 485 Transfer of funds authorized ---------- 472 Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from--------------------- 120 Federal Seed Act, appropriation to effect provisions of--------------------- 432 Federal Subsistence Homesteads Cor- poration, credit in accounts of certain disbursing officers for payments on behalf of---------------------- 264 Federal Surplus Commodities Corpora- tion, transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations- 215 Federal Surveys, appropriation for ------ 283 Federal Trade Commission, appropria- tion for ------------------------- 104 Federal Unemployment Taxes, allowance of credit against------------------ 726 Federal Works Agency: Administrator, appointment of Army officer as---------------------- 748 Appropriation for- Administrator, Office of --------- 104, 748 Damage claims------------------- 566 Defense public works (community facilities)----------------- 546, 855 Housing, national-defense----- 65, 199, 855 Judgments ---------------------- 567 Public Buildings Administration - -- 105, 129, 200, 546, 683, 821 Administrative expenses, general__ 105 General Accounting Office, site and construction of building ----- 107 Government Printing Office, annex buildings ------------------ 107 Heating plant, west central, Wash- ington, D. C---------------- 107 Limit of cost increased -------- 856 Judgments -------------------- 76, 567 National Archives Building, instal- lation of facilities----------- 107 Public buildings, D. C., construc- tion -------------------- 107, 821 Public Buildings Acts, carrying out provisions of---------------- 105 Public buildings and grounds, sal- aries and expenses -- - 106, 200, 546 Public buildings outside District of Columbia, repair, etc-------- 105 State Department Annex Building- 107 Temporary office buildings, con- struction ---------------- 129, 546 War Department Building-------- 107 Federal Works Agency-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Public Roads Administration - - - 108, 821 Federal-aid highway system ----- 108 Grade crossings, elimination------ 109 Inter-American Highway--------- 109 Public-lands highways---------- 110 Secondary or feeder roads -------- 109 Public Works Administration------- 110 United States Housing Authority__ 110, 748 Annual contributions ----------- 111 Salaries and expenses------------ 110 United States Housing Corporation, dissolution----_ -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- 105 Work Projects Administration ..- 15, 396 Judgments--------------------- 76 Defense Highway Act of 1941. See separate title. District of Columbia, advancements for defense public works; repayment-- 847 Housing, national-defense. See separate title. Inspectors of buildings abroad, couriers, etc. , a s signment of personnel as--- 277 Public Buildings Administration- Arlington County, Va., War Depart- ment office building, jurisdiction- 686 Central Heating Plant, furnishing of steam to certain D. C . buildings_ 187 Furniture, use of present---------- 106 Governmental activity, furnishing of quarters, etc., to, payment for- 106 Per diem employees, pay rates, etc- 107 Repair, etc., limitation on amount for_ 106 Surveys, models, etc., allocation of cost of----------------------- 105 Telephone switchboards, contract for----------

106 Public Roads Administration- Army and Navy officers, detail of--- 770 Convict labor, restriction on employ- ment by States --------------- 108 Employees, detail as students------- 770 Engineering, etc., equipment, charges fordepreciation--__---------- 108 Inter-American Highway, administra- tion of construction, etc ------- 861 Medical supplies, etc., in emergencies, use of fundsfor---____---_---- 109 Road work for Federal agencies ------ 769 Technical consultants, temporary em- ployment of------------------ 109 Transportation of personal effects--- 109 Vehicles, purchase authorized------- 108 Warehouse maintenance, etc-- ---- 109 Public Works Administration- Appropriation for repayment of loan to District of Columbia ------- 505 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations----- 217 INDEX XXXVIII