Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/953

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Page "Hawk," Steamship, registration, etc. , to Page Hawaii. See also Hawaiian Homes Com- mission Act, 1920, Amendments. Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment stations-- Extension work----------------- American seamen, relief, etc . ----. . Contingent expenses .--- ----- ------ Courts------------------------ Governor, etc., salaries-----... ...-- Vocational education ... -- -- -- -.. . Vocational rehabilitation ---- .. . . . . Boxing, limitation on number of rounds for championship bouts -- . .- - - - . Electric franchise extension, approval of- Hickam Field- Banking house at, maintenance, etc., of--------------------------- 7 Exchange of lands -------------- Honolulu, establishment of national cemetery at, appropriation author- ized-------------------------- Honolulu Plantation Company, convey- ance of certain lands to--------- Japanese attack on, prosecution of in- quiries by investigating commis- sion ------------------------- Kauai County, improvement bonds, Legislature empowered to author- ize issuance of---------------- Lands, exchange of ---------------- Military forces, maintenance of certain, authorized--------------------- Public lands- Management, disposition, etc------ Validity of certain leases, agreements, etc ----------------------- Public work in, employment of U. S . nationals ----------------------- University of, transfer of agricultural ex- periment station equipment, etc., to- Wildlife-restoration projects, Federal cooperation in---------------- Hawaii National Park, appropriation for- Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, Amendments: Appropriations by Territorial legislature authorized---------------------- Available lands, Oahu. -- -------- Bonds, issuance of, by Territorial legis- lature ------------------------- Development projects ------------- Expenditures, presentation of vouchers_ Home-administration account------- 784, Home-development fund------------ Home-loan fund - ------------------ Investment of funds-------------- Loan contracts------------------ Leases of lands- Occupancy and use --------------- Successor of lessee---------------- 278941°-42-PT. I- -59 412 414 270 359 299 359 475 475 853 777 engage in fisheries ----------------- 733 Hawthorne, Nev., Naval Ammunition Depot: Appropriation for ------------- 38, 164, 674 Construction authorized --------- 47, 51, 660 layward Hospital, Wis., appropriation for------------------------------ 324 [ealth and Sanitation Activities, Emer- gency, appropriation for------- 15, 483, 545 [elena, Ark., time extended for bridging Mississippi River at--------------- 590 lelium: Appropriation for production and in- vestigations--------------- 68, 344, 685 Purchases, etc., without advertising-.. 553 Procurement of- Transfer of funds from Navy Depart- ment to Bureau of Mines----- 168, 344 Transfer of funds from War Depart- ment to Bureau of Mines------- 344 Hennepin Canal, Ill., appropriation for maintenance--------------------- 192 Hess, John B. (Capt.), credit in accounts of -----------------------

137 Hickam Field, Oahu, T. H.: Banking house at, maintenance, etc., of- 772 Exchange of lands------------------- 617 Highlands, N. J ., Shrewsbury River high- way bridge, public walks authorized- 147 Highway, Inter-American, appropriation for----------------------------- 109 Highway Congress, Fourth Pan-American, appropriation for contribution------- 562 Highways. See Defense Highway Act of 1941. Hingham, Mass., Naval Ammunition Depot: Appropriation for ----------- 164, 557, 674 Construction authorized -------- 47, 593, 660 Historic Sites and Buildings, appropria- tion for preservation, etc----------- 352 Hiwassee River, appropriation for con- struction of hydroelectric projects, etc., on ------------------------ 597 Hog-Cholera Control, appropriation for- 417 Hog-Cholera Virus and Serum, appro- priation for marketing agreements with respect to-------------------- 417 Hogback Irrigation Project, appropriation for---------------------------- 317 Holland. See Netherlands. Holston River, South Fork of, appropria- tion for TVA site near Bristol, Tenn_ 823 Home Economics, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of. Home Loan Bank Board. See Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Home Owners' Loan Corporation: Appropriation for------------------- 102 XLV INDEX -- '72 i17 772 741 353 776 617 628 658 734 881 413 63; 34; 78' 78' 78' 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78