Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/985

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LXXVII Norfolk, Va.- Continued. Page Navy Yard- Appropriation for -------------- 36, 672 Construction authorized ------- 47, 49, 659 Norfolk, Va. - Cape Hatteras, N. C., Area, construction of Naval Air Station, appropriation authorized ----------- 625 Norfolk and Western Railway Company: Construction of bridge across Tug Fork of Big Sandy River at Nolan, W. Va., authorized----------------- 578 Transfer of certain lands to, by Vet- erans' Administration Facility, Roanoke, Va------------------- 259 Norris, Tenn., appropriation for Electric Furnace Laboratory Building------- 343 North Carolina: Appropriation for- Great Smoky Mountains National Park ---------------------- 347 Indians, support, etc------------- 324, 326 Fontana, appropriation for construc- tion of hydroelectric project on Little Tennessee River ---------- 822 Goldsboro, flood-protection works au- thorized ---------------------- 641 North Concho River, flood-control project authorized------------------------ 641 North Dakota: Appropriation for Indians- Construction and repair of buildings - 329 Support, etc------------------- 322, 324 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exami- nations authorized--------------- 649 Turtle Mountain Reservation, purchase of lands, etc., for Indians--------- 207 North Platte Project, Nebr.-Wyo., appro- priation for operation and mainte- nance --------------------------- 332 North Slough, Oreg., time extended for construction of dam and dike------- 728 Northern Idaho Indians, Idaho, appropria- tion for support, etc--------------- 326 Northern Navajo Hospital, N. Mex., appropriation for------------------ 324 Norway, appropriation for minister to --- 267 Novato Creek, Calif., examination au- thorized ------------------------ 650 Noxubee River, flood-control project au- thorized -------------------------- 641 Nurses, appropriation for training for national-defense purposes----------- 484 0 Oahu, T. H.: Hickam Field- Banking house at, maintenance, etc., of ------------------------ Exchange of lands at------------ 278941'-42 --PT. I - 1 772 617 Oahu, T. H. -Continued. Page Naval Ammunition Depot- Appropriation for ----------- 165, 557, 674 Construction authorized-- ------- 47, 660 Naval Radio Station- Appropriation for---------------- 678 Construction authorized------------ 663 Oakland, Calif.: Appropriation for overhead structure near Moore Dry Dock Company-_ 753 Naval Supply Depot- Appropriation for ----------- 39, 164, 678 Construction authorized------- 48, 52, 663 Reserve Aviation Base- Appropriation for----------------- 677 Construction authorized------------ 662 Occupational Outlook Surveys, appropria- tion for ---------------------- 468, 834 Official Gazette, appropriation for print- ing and binding------------------- 286 Ogden River Project, Utah, appropriation for construction------------------ 334 Ogdensburg, N. Y., time extended for bridging St. Lawrence River at ----- 655 Ohio: Lowellville, bridge authorized across Mahoning River at-------------- 183 Montgomery County, transfer of cer- tain lands to, by Veterans' Admin- istration Facility, Dayton-------- 258 Northern judicial district, appointment of additional judge ------------ 148 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exami- nations authorized--------------- 649 Ohio River: Bridge authorized across, at Cannelton, Ind(l-------------------- ---- 180 Time extended for bridging, at Mauck- port, Ind----------------------- 626 Ohio River Basin, flood-control projects authorized ------------------- 646 Local cooperation requirements ------- 638 Oil and Gas: Appropriation for investigations------- 342 Interstate compact for conservation of, consent of Congress given to exten- sion of------------------------ 666 Lubricating oil, tax on -------------- 707 Niobrara County, Wyo., issuance of leases on certain lands in--------- 577 Pipeline,taxontransportation of oilby- 706, 707 Oil Appliances, excise tax on------------ 716 Oil Lands in Former Naval Reserves, appropriation for protection of U. S . interests in matters affecting ------- 116 Oklahoma: Appropriation for- Denison Dam and Reservoir project, survey, etc., of recreational resources ------------------ 352 INDEX .