Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/14

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LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME Executive Agreement Series Page 201 Haiti. Postponement of certain interest payments --------------------------- 1223 202 Brazil. Military and military aviation mission---------------------------------- 1225 203 Venezuela. Naval mission



- 1235 204 Denmark. Defense of Greenland ----------------------

1245 205 Peru. Detail of military adviser to Remount Service of Peruvian Army ------ _----- 1254 206 Ecuador. Naval mission.....---------------------------------- 1263 207 Ecuador. Military aviation mission ---------- ------------------------------ 1265 208 Guatemala. Detail of military officer to serve as Director of Polytechnic School of Guatemala - -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- - 1267 209 Canada. Niagara River, water diversion --------------------

1276 210 Haiti. Exchange of official publications ----------

1278 211 Argentina. Detail of military aviation instructors------------------------------ 1284 212 Costa Rica. Military mission-----------------

---------- ----------

1286 213 Haiti. Military mission -------------- ---------


1295 214 El Salvador. Detail of military officer to serve as Director of Military School and of Military Academy of El Salvador -------


1305 215 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Commercial relations------------------------- 1316 216 Canada. Reciprocal trade ---------------------------------------- 1319 217 Nicaragua. Detail of military officer to serve as Director of Military Academy of National Guard of Nicaragua

1327 218 Colombia. Naval mission

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---

1336 219 Bolivia. Military aviation mission------------------------------------------ 1338 220 Haiti. Finances------------------------------------------------------------- 1348 221 Panama. Relief from double income tax on shipping profits ----------------------- 1363 222 Costa Rica. Cooperative rubber investigations ----------------------------------- 1368 223 Canada. Niagara River, water diversion------------------------------------ 1380 224 Haiti. Finances ------------------------------------------------------------ 1385 225 Canada. Reciprocal trade-----. . -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ---

1387 226 Venezuela. Reciprocal trade--------------------------------------------------- 1393 227 North American. Recommendations of the North American Regional Radio-Engineer- ing Meeting -- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- 1398 228 Canada. Joint committees on economic cooperation---------------------------- 1444 229 Cuba. Reciprocal trade -------------------------------------------------- 1449 230 El Salvador. Exchange of official publications---------------------------------1478 231 Inter-American. Radio communications --------------------------------------- 1482 232 Iceland. Defense by United States forces---------------------------------------- 1547 233 Canada. Visits in uniform by members of defense forces------------------------ 1551 234 Mexico. Expropriation of petroleum properties --------------


1554 235 Great Britain; Great Britain and Canada. Leased naval and air bases; protocol con- cerning the defense of Newfoundland .-------------

1560 236 United Nations. Cooperative war effort: Declaration by United Nations and declara- tion known as the Atlantic Charter ---------------------------------------- 1600 xvii 2'8941°--42 - -PT . II-11