Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/228

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55 STAT.] GUATEMALA-EXTRADITION-FEB. 20, 1940 said Extradition Treaty of Feb- ruary 27, 1903; and it is agreed that the participation as an acces- sory before or after the fact re- ferred to in the foregoing Article shall be applied, in a proper case, to all the crimes or offenses listed in the said Treaty, and to the crimes or offenses included under number 23 of the Second Article of the above-mentioned Treaty, in the manner previously agreed upon. ARTICLE III In order to avoid, as far as may be possible, the doubts which might result from difference in the scope of the Spanish word "delito" and the English words "crime" and "offense", as well as the exact translation into Spanish of the ex- pressions "attempt" and "acces- sories before or after the fact", and the exact translation into English of the words used in the Guatemalan penal legislation "ten- tativa", "c6mplice" and "encu- bridor", the High Contracting Parties declare that for the appli- cation both of the Treaty of Ex- tradition which they concluded on February 27, 1903, and for the application of the present Addi- tional Convention, the Spanish word "delito" is equivalent to the English words "crime" and "of- fense"; that the Spanish words "delito frustrado" and "tentativa" are equivalent to the English word "attempt"; and that the Spanish names "c6mplice" and "encubri- dor" are translated into English as "accessories before or after the fact". ARTICLE IV This Convention shall be rati- fied and the ratifications ex- changed in Guatemala City as soon as possible. Tratado de Extradici6n de 27 de febrero de 1903, y se conviene en que la complicidad o el encubri- miento a que se refiere el Articulo anterior se aplicaran, cuando fuere el caso, a todos los delitos enume- rados en el referido Tratado, y a los delitos comprendidos en el numero 23 del Articulo 2° del Tratado mencionado, en la forma antes convenida. ARTICULO III A fin de evitar, hasta donde sea posible, las dudas que pudieran resultar de diferencia en el alcance de la palabra castellana "delito" y de las palabras inglesas "crime" y "offense", asi como la exacta traducci6n al castellano de las palabras "attempt" y "accesories before or after the fact", y de la exacta traducci6n al ingles de las palabras usadas por la legislaci6n penal guatemalteca "tentativa", "c6mplice" y "encubridor", las Altas Partes Contratantes de- claran que para la aplicaci6n tanto del Tratado de Extradici6n que celebraron el 27 de febrero de 1903, como para la aplicaci6n de la pre- sente Convenci6n adicional, la palabra castellana "delito" es equivalente de las palabras inglesas "crime" y "offense"; que las pala- bras castellanas "delito frustrado" y "tentativa" son equivalentes a la palabra inglesa "attempt"; y que los nombres castellanos "c6m- plice" y "encubridor" en ingles se traducen como "accesories be- fore or after the fact". ARTICULO IV Esta Convenci6n sera ratificada Ratifcaton. y las ratificaciones se canjearan en la ciudad de Guatemala, tan pronto como sea posible. 33 Stat. 2147. Equivalent terms in English and Spanish. 1099