Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/249

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TREATIES 1924, embraces the deposit and pledge of any and all income and receipts of the Dominican Government, from whatsoever source derived, whether known as taxes, duties, excises, fees, contribu- tions to the State, fines, imposts, charges, levies or any other kind of similar income, receipts, or funds which belong to and are under the control of the Government of the Dominican Republic. It is understood that the term does not include funds under the control of the Dominican Government which under existing law are collected for, belong to, and are distributed among the munici- palities, which are autonomous under the constitution of the State. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration. RAFAEL L. TRUJILLO Ambassador Extraordinaryon Special Mission His Excellency CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. The Secretary of State to the Ambassador Extraordinaryof the Dominican Republic on Special Mission DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON September 24, 1940. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of today's date relating to the agreement arrived at by our two Governments concerning the term "all revenues and public funds of whatsoever nature of the Dominican Republic" employed in Article II of the con- vention signed by us today, in which you confirm your Government's understanding of the agreement in the following terms: The term "all revenues and public funds of whatsoever nature of the Dominican Republic" employed in Article II of the Con- vention between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic signed September 24, 1940, embraces any and all income and receipts of the Dominican Republic from whatsoever source derived whether known as taxes, duties, excises, fees, fines, im- posts or charges and any other or similar income, receipts or funds which belong to and are under the control of, the Government of the Dominican Republic. It is understood that the term does not include funds under the control of the Government of the Dominican Republic, which under existing law are collected for, and belong to, and are distributed to the municipalities, which are autonomous under the Dominican constitution. 1120 [55 STAT.