Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/275

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TREATIES CONVENIO INTERAMERICANO DEL CAFE Los Gobiernos del Brasil, Co- lombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecua- dor, El Salvador, Estados Unidos de Am6rica, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Perd, la Reptiblica Dominicana y Venezuela, CONSIDERANDO que en vista del desequilibrio existente en el mercado interna- cional de cafe, que afecta la economia del Hemisferio Occi- dental, se hace necesario y con- veniente adoptar medidas para promover la venta ordenada del cafe con el fin de asegurar condi- ciones de comercio equitativas para productores y consumidores por medio de la adaptaci6n de la oferta a la demanda, Han resuelto concertar el si- guiente Convenio: ARTfCULO I Con el objeto de distribuir equitativamente el mercado de cafe en los Estados Unidos de America entre los distintos paises productores de cafe, se adoptan como cuotas basicas anuales para las exportaciones de cafe a los Estados Unidos de Am6rica de los INTER-AMERICAN COFFEE AGREEMENT The Governments of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Hon- duras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, the United States of America and Venezuela, CONSIDERING that in view of the unbalanced situation in the international trade in coffee affecting the economy of the Western Hemisphere, it is nec- essary and desirable to take steps to promote the orderly marketing of coffee, with a view to assuring terms of trade equitable for both producers and consumers by ad- justing the supply to demand, Have accordingly agreed as fol- lows: ARTICLE I In order to allocate equitably the market of the United States of America for coffee among the various coffee producing countries, the following quotas are adopted as basic annual quotas for the ex- portation of coffee to the United States of America from the other Basic annual quotas for U. S . market. [55 STAT.