Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/318

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TREATIES Pelo Brasil: (s) E. PENTEADO (SEAL) Por Colombia: (s) GABRIEL TURBAY (SEAL) Por Costa Rica: (S) OCTAVIO BEECHE (SEAL) Por El Salvador: (S) HECTOR DAVID CASTRO (SEAL) Por Guatemala: (S) ENRIQUE L6PEZ HERRARTE (SEAL) Pour Haiti: [11 Por Honduras: (S) JULIAN R. CACERES (SEAL) Por M6xico: (S) F. CASTILLO NAJERA (SEAL) Por Perd: (S) EDUABDO GARLAND (SEAL) For the United States of America: (S) SUMNER WELLES (SEAL) [2] I hereby certify that the foregoing document is a true and faithful copy of the original of the Protocol to the Inter-American Coffee Agreement, which was signed at Washington and deposited with the Pan American Union on April 15th, 1941. WASHINGTON, D. C. , April 16th, 1941. [SEAL] L. S. ROWE, Director General of the Pan American Union [At the time of signature of the protocol on April 15, 1941 the Haitian representative had not received the authorization from his Government to sign; hence no signature for Haiti appears on the certified copy that was pro- claimed. Upon receiving the necessary authorization later, the Haitian represen- tative signed the protocol on April 17, 1941, effective as of April 15, 1941.] s [The protocol was signed for Ecuador on April 29, 1941; for the Dominican Republic on April 30, 1941; for Nicaragua on May 13, 1941; and for Venezuela on August 14, 1941.] [55 STAT.