Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/377

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55 STAT.] DENMARK-DEFENSE OF GREENLAND-APR. 9 ,1941 terminate the Agreement, and it is hereby agreed, that at the expi- ration of twelve months after such notice shall have been received by either party from the other this Agreement shall cease to be in force. Signed at Washington in dupli- cate, in the English and Danish languages, both texts having equal force, this ninth day of April, nineteen hundred and forty-one . [SEAL] CORDELL HULL bringe Overenskomsten til Oph0r, og det er herved aftalt, at den skal oph0re at vsere i Kraft ved Udl0bet af 12 Maaneder efter, at den paaggeldende Tilkendegivelse er blevet modtaget af en af Par- terne fra den anden. Underskrevet i Washington i to Eksemplarer i det engelske og danske Sprog, saaledes at begge Tekster bar samme Gyldighed, den niende Dag af April, Nitten Hundrede og En og Fyrre. Secretary of State of the United States of America [SEAL] HENRIK KAUFFMANN Envoy Extraordinaryand Minister Plenipotentiaryof His Majesty the King of Denmark at Washington EXCHANGE OF NOTES The Secretary of State to the Danish Minister DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON April 7, 1941 SIR: I have the honor to refer to the informal conversations which you have had with officers of the Department of State during which the concern of the Government of the United States was expressed over the effect of recent military developments, particularly affecting Greenland, upon the maintenance of the peace and security of the United States and the rest of the American Continent. You are also aware of the interest of the Government of the United States in maintaining unimpaired the safety of Greenland and the sovereignty of Denmark over that island. My Government has continuously had in mind the desire expressed by the United Green- land Councils at their meeting at Godhavn on May 3, 1940 that the Government of the United States of America would continue to hold in mind the exposed position of the Danish flag in Greenland and of the native Greenland and Danish population of the island. My Government has taken note of the unusual situation in which Greenland now finds itself. The Kingdom of Denmark is at present under occupation by a foreign army. The Government of the United States has condemned that invasion as a violation of Danish sovereign 1251