Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/420

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. sultation with the Costa Rican Army authorities, and all expenses incurred as the result of such illness or injury while the patient is a member of the Mission and remains in Costa Rica shall be paid by the Government of Costa Rica. If the hospitalized member is a commissioned officer he shall pay his cost of subsistence, but if he is an enlisted man the cost of subsistence shall be paid by the Government of Costa Rica. Families shall enjoy the same privileges agreed upon in this Article for members of the Mis- sion, except that a member of the Mission shall in all cases pay the cost of subsistence incident to hos- pitalization of a member of his family, except as may be provided under Article 10. Article 29. Any member of the Mission unable to perform his duties with the Mission by reason of long continued physical disabil- ity shall be replaced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the un- dersigned, Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America, and Luis Fer- nandez, Minister of the Republic of Costa Rica at Washington, duly authorized thereto, have signed this Agreement in duplicate in the English and Spanish languages, at Washington, this fourteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one . [SEAL] SUMNER WELLES considere adecuado, despu&s de consultar con las autoridades del Ejercito de Costa Rica, y todos los gastos incurridos como resultado de tal enfermedad o tales lesiones mientras el paciente sea miembro de la Misi6n y permanezca en Costa Rica, seran pagados por el Gobierno de Costa Rica. Si el miembro hospitalizado es un ofi- cial, 6ste pagarh sus gastos de subsistencia; pero si es alistados, los gastos de subsistencia seran pagados por el Gobierno de Costa Rica. Las familias gozaran de los mismos privilegios convenidos en este Articulo para los miembros de la Misi6n, con excepci6n de que en todos los casos el miembro de la Misi6n pagara los gastos de subsistencia relacionados con la hospitalizaci6n de un miembro de su familla, excepto lo que se dis- ponga de acuerdo con el Arti- culo 10. Articulo 29. Todo miembro de la Misi6n inhabilitado para des- empefiar sus servicios con la Mi- si6n por raz6n de incapacidad fisica prolongada, sera reempla- zado. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, los suscritos, Sumner Welles, Secre- tario de Estado Interino de los Estados Unidos de America, y Luis Fernandez, Ministro de la Repdblica de Costa Rica en WAsh- ington, debidamente autorizados para ello, han firmado este Acuer- do, por duplicado en los idiomas ingles y espafol, en WAshington, el dia catorce de julio de mil novecientos cuarenta y uno. Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America [SEAL] Luis FERNANDEZ Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiaryof the Republic of Costa Rica at Washington Replacement in case of disability. 1294