Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/440

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. NATIONAL PALACE, PALACTO NACIONAL: San Salvador, March [27,] 1941 San Salvador, 27 de marzo de 1941. Approva Having seen the preceding Con- tract, composed of twenty-one clauses, concluded between Lieu- tenant Colonel Manuel Urbina Menjivar, Superior Official of the Ministry of National Defense, duly authorized and in represen- tation of the Government of the Republic of El Salvador, on one part, and His Excellency Robert Frazer, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, with special authorization of his Gov- ernment, on the other; a Contract under which the American Gov- ernment places at the disposition of the Government of El Salvador the technical and professional serv- ices of Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Christian to fill, for a period of two years, the position of Director of the Military School and an- nexed Military Academy of El Salvador, and finding the said Contract in conformity with the instructions received by Lieuten- ant Colonel Urbina Menjivar in the matter, the Executive Power resolves: to approve it in all its parts, being obliged to report it to the Honorable National Legisla- tive Assembly for its approval.['] The expenditures referred to in this Contract, must be taken from the respective items of the Budget. Let it be communicated. The Minister of NationalDefense [SEAL] A. I. MENINDEZ '[Approved by the National Legisla- tive Assembly of El Salvador Mar. 28, 1941.1 Visto el anterior Contrato, com- puesto de veintiuna clkusulas, cele- brado entre el sefior Teniente Coronel don Manuel Urbina Menjivar, Oficial Mayor del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, debidamente autorizado y en representaci6n del Gobierno de la Repdblica de El Salvador, por una parte, y el Excelentisimo sefor don Roberto Frazer, En- viado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de Norte America, con autorizaci6n especial de su Gobier- no, por la otra; Contrato por el cual el Gobierno Norteamericano, pone a la disposici6n del Gobierno de El Salvador, los servicios tec- nicos y profesionales del sefior Teniente Coronel don Robert L. Christian, para que por el termino de dos aiios, desempefie el cargo de Director de la Escuela Militar y Academia Militar anexa de El Salvador, y encontrando dicho Contrato, de conformidad con las instrucciones que al efecto re- cibiera el sefior Teniente Coronel Urbina Menjivar, el Poder Ejecu- tivo ACUERDA: aprobarlo en todas sus partes, debiendo darse cuenta a la Honorable Asamblea Nacional Legislativa para su apro- baci6n. Las erogaciones a que alude este Contrato, deberan apli- carse a las respectivas partidas del Presupuesto. COMUNIQUESE. El Ministro de Defensa Nacional, [SELLO] A. I. MENENDEZ