Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/695

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55 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN, CANADA-NAVAL AND AIR BASES-MAR. 27,1941 revert to the Lessor. Abandonment shall not be deemed to have occurred in the absence of such notice. ARTICLE XXII. Removal of Improvements. The United States may at any time before the termination of a lease, or within a reasonable time thereafter, take away all or any removable improvements placed by or on behalf of the United States in the Leased Area or territorial waters. ARTICLE XXIII. Rights not to be Assigned. The United States will not assign or underlet or part with the possession of the whole or any part of any Leased Area, or of any right, power or authority granted by the Leases or this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV. Possession. (1) On the signing of this Agreement, leases of the Leased Areas, substantially in the forms respectively set out in Annex II hereto, Po, p. 874. shall be forthwith executed, and all rights, power, authority and con- trol under such leases and under this Agreement (including transfer of possession where it shall not previously have been transferred) shall thereupon become effective immediately, and pending execution of such Leases they may be exercised ad interim and possession of the Leased Areas shall be immediately given so far as the location thereof is then ascertained. Where the precise location of a portion of any Leased Area is not ascertainable until more detailed descriptions are available, possession of such portion shall be given as rapidly as pos- sible. This Article shall not require occupiers of buildings in a Leased Area to be removed from such buildings until reasonable notice to vacate has been given and expired, due regard being had to the necessity of obtaining alternative accommodation. (2) The foregoing paragraph shall not apply in relation to the Bahamas, but a lease of the Leased Area therein, in terms similar to those of the leases set out in Annex II hereto, and subject to such Pi, p.1574. special provisions as may be agreed to be required, will be granted to the United States of America as soon as the location of that area shall have been agreed, whereupon this Agreement shall apply thereto. ARTICLE XXV. Reservations. (1) All minerals (including oil) and antiquities and all rights relat- ing thereto and to treasure trove, under, upon or connected with the 1569