Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1002

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 619-OCT. 21, 1942 53 Stat. 347. 26.S.C.§3030 (a); Supp. I , § 3030 (a). Ante, pp. 218, 973. 53 Stat. 219. 26U.S. .§ 2000(c) (1). 55 Stat. 707. 26U. .C., Supp.I, § 2000 (c) (2). 53 stat. 219. 26U.a.C.§2000; Supp. I, § 2000. Supra. Ante, p. 970. Ask, p. 910. payment thereof in such form and amount and with such surety or sureties as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe. "(c) LAws APPUcABLn.- All provisions of law, including pen- alties, applicable in respect of the taxes imposed by section 3030 (a) shall, insofar as applicable and not inconsistent with this subsection, be applicable with respect to the floor stocks tax imposed by sub- section (a)." SEC. 605. CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. (a) RATES ON CIoaRs. - Section 2000 (c) (1) is amended to read as follows: "(c) CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. --U pon cigars and cigarettes manu- factured in or imported into the United States, which are sold by the manufacturer or importer, or removed for consumption or sale, there shall be levied, collected, and paid the following taxes: "(1) CIGARs. -On cigars of all descriptions made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing not more than three pounds per thousand, 75 cents per thousand; "On cigars made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing more than three pounds per thousand, if manufactured or imported to retail at not more than 21⁄22 cents each, $2.50 per thousand; "If manufactured or imported to retail at more than 21/2 cents each and not more than 4 cents each, $3.00 per thousand; "If manufactured or imported to retail at more than 4 cents each and not more than 6 cents each, $4.00 per thousand: "If manufactured or imported to retail at more than 6 cents each and not more than 8 cents each, $7.00 per thousand; "If manufactured or imported to retail at more than 8 cents each and not more than 15 cents each, $10.00 per thousand; "If manufactured or imported to retail at more than 15 cents each and not more than 20 cents each, $15.00 per thousand; "If manufactured or imported to retail at more than 20 cents each, $20.00 per thousand. "Whenever in this subsection reference is made to cigars manu- factured or imported to retail at not over a certain price each, then in determining the tax to be paid regard shall be had to the ordinary retail price of a single cigar in its principal market." (b) RATES ON CIGARETTES.- Section 2000 (c) (2) is amended by striking out "$3.25" and inserting in lieu thereof "$3.50" and by striking out "$7.80" and inserting in lieu thereof "$8.40". (c) FLOOR STOCKS TAX. - Section 2000 is amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(e) 1942 FLOOR STOCKS TAX.- "(1) TAx.- U pon large cigars (weighing more than three pounds per thousand) and all cigarettes subject to tax under this section, which on the effective date of Title VI of the Revenue Act of 1942 are held by any person for sale, there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid a floor stocks tax at a rate equal to the increase in rate of tax made applicable to such articles by the Revenue Act of 1942. "(2) RrruRNs. - Every person required by this subsection to pay any floor stocks tax shall, on or before the end of the month next following the month in which Title VI of the Revenue Act of 1942 takes effect, under such regulations as the Commissioner with the approval of the Secretary shall prescribe, make a return and pay such tax, except that in the case of such articles held 974 [56 STAT.