Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1065

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77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 669-DEC. 2 , 1942 [CHAPTER 669] AN ACT To amend the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the eleventh paragraph of section 1 of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 (Public Law 607), approved June 16, 1942, is amended to read as follows: "In computing the service for all pay purposes of officers paid under the provisions of this section, such officers shall be credited with full time for all periods during which they have held com- missions as officers of any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act, or in the Organized Militia prior to July 1, 1916, or in the National Guard, or in the National Guard Reserve, or in the National Guard of the United States, or in the Officers' Reserve Corps, or in the'Naval Militia, or in the National Naval Volunteers, or in the Naval Reserve force, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve force, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, and the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, or in the Philippine Scouts, or in the Philippine Constabulary, and service of Coast and Geodetic Survey officers authorized in section 2 (b) of the Act of January 19, 1942 (Public Law 402, Seventy-seventh Congress): Provided, That for officers in service on June 30, 1922, there shall be included in the computation, in addition to the service set forth above, all service which was then counted in computing longevity pay, and service as a contract surgeon serving full time. Longevity pay for officers in any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act shall be based on the total of all service in any or all of said services which is authorized to be counted for longevity pay purposes under the provisions of this' Act or as may otherwise be provided by law." SEC. 2 . The first paragraph of section 3 of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 (Public Law 607), approved June 16, 1942, is amended to read as follows: "SEc. 3. When officers of the National Guard or of the Reserve forces of any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act, includ- ing Reserve officers, are authorized by law to receive Federal pay, except armory drill and administrative function pay, they shall receive pay as provided in section 1 of this Act, and in computing their service for pay they shall be credited with full time for all periods during which they have held commissions as officers of any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act, or in the Organized Militia prior to July 1, 1916, or in the National Guard, or in the National Guard Reserve or in the National Guard of the United States, or in the Officers Reserve Corps, or in the Naval Militia or in the National Naval Volunteers, or in the Naval Reserve Force, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve Force, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, and the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, or in the Philippine Scouts, or in the Philippine Constabulary, and service authorized in section 2 (b) of the Act of January 19, 1942 (Public Law 402, Seventy-seventh Congress)." SEC. 3. The Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 (Public Law 607), approved June 16, 1942, is amended by inserting after section 3 thereof the following new section: "SEC. 3A. During the existence of any war declared by Congress and for six months immediately following the termination of such war, in computing the service for all pay purposes of officers paid under the provisions of section 1 or 3 of this Act, such officers, in addition to the time required to be credited by such sections, shall be credited with full time for all periods during which they were 56 STAT.] 1037 December 2, 1942 [S. 27231 [Public Law 785] Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, amend- ments. Ante, p. 360 . Computation of of- ficers' service. Ante, p. 6. Proviso. Officers in serviceon June 30, 1922. Basis for longevity pay. Ante, p. 360 . Officers of National Guard or Reserve forces, including Re- serve officers. Ante, p. . Ante, p . 360 Credit for servioe as warrant officer, etc.