Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1131

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INDEX Appropriations-Continued. Page District of Columbia-Continued. Motor Vehicle Parking Facility Act of 1942, authorized ------------ 93 Appropriation for ------------- 45; Public works in connection with de- fense housing, authorized -_ __ 21 Appropriation for ----------- 634 Federal Reports Act of 1942, authorized_ 108( Florida, barge canal, construction of, authorized ..------

__-- -- 701 Gallinger Hospital, D. C ., memorial to George Earle Chamberlain, author- ized .. __..- - -- _-------------_ _ 463 Housing, national-defense, authorized_ 12, 763 Appropriation for -------- ___----- 100C Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice, authorized -- _ _ _. _- -- -- -- -- _ 374 Indians, reimbursement for taxes paid on allotted lands, authorized----___ 88 Insurance, marine and war-risk, author- ized-------------------------- 214 Appropriation for ------- . - - - - -- - 310 Inter-American Statistical Institute, contribution to, authorized ------ 20 Appropriation for----------------- 719 Intracoastal Waterway, enlargement and extension, authorized-------- 703 Appropriation for --------- _---_ --- 1005 Lend-Lease Act. See separate title. Marine Band, attendance authorized at- Grand Army of the Republic conven- tion---------.-------------- 283 United Confederate Veterans' re- union ------------- _ --------- 371 Meat inspection, extension to packers engaged in intrastate commerce, authorized---- _- --- -- --- --- --- -- 351 Appropriation for ---------------- 1001 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Dis- trict, N. Mex., payment to, author- ized ------------. -- ---- ----- -- 86 Appropriation for--------------- - 716 Military decorations for cobelligerents, authorized -' _

_----- - 1056 National Gallery of Art, acceptance of Widener art collection, payment of taxes, authorized --------------- 748 Naval vessels- Construction of, authorized--------- 53, 277, 655, 656 Appropriation for___ 70,81,232,389,992 Shipbuilding, etc., facilities, author- ized --------------------- 23,53 Appropriation for--------------- 70,81 Navy- Composition of, in under-age vessels, increase of, authorized ------ 277,656 ADDroDriation for------------- 389, 992 C Appropriations-Continued. Navy-Continued. Lighter-than-air craft, acquisition, etc., authorized ----------- Ordnance manufacturing facilities- Appropriation authorized -- _ _ .. - Contracts authorized Salvage of vessels, authorized ---. Appropriation for - - ---------- Navy Department- .Naval procurement fund, authorized 645 Public-works projects, authorized -_ 51, 248, 742 Appropriation for ---------- 66, 231 Pennsylvania anthracite region, re- search laboratory, authorized ---- 1057 Pipe lines for transport of petroleum, etc., construction of, authorized__ 703 Price Control Act of 1942, Emergency, authorized ---------------- ---- 37 Appropriation for -- _ _ -

_-- - 711 Public works made necessary by defense program, authorized ----------- 12 Railroad Retirement Account, author- ized ----------- .- - __------- 206 Republican River, negotiations for division of waters of, salary, etc., of U. S. representative, author- ized---. -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- .

736 Rubber-bearing plants, planting, proc- essing, experimentation, etc., au- thorized ---------------------- 128 Appropriation for --------- 240, 596, 1001 Settlement of Mexican Claims Act of 1942, authorized ---------. 1061, 1063 Smaller War Plants Corporation, capi- tal stock, authorized-----.-- ---- . 353 Appropriation for -----------. ----. 719 Statement of, preparation ---------- 3841 Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial Com- mission- Appropriation authorized---------- 729 Appropriation for ---------------- 594 Voting, absentee, by members of land and naval forces, authorized ------ 756 Appropriation for --- ------------ 1003 Weather forecasting, scholarships for meteorological students, author- ized ------------------------ 1012 Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, au- thorized----------------------- 282 Appropriation for----------------- 633 Arbitration, International, Bureau of Inter- parliamentary Union for Promotion of, appropriation for contribution--- 474 Arbitration and Emergency Boards, Na- tional Mediation Board, appropria- tion for--------------------- 590 VII Page 371 172 232 86 230