Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1141

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Coast Pilot, appropriation for compila- Page tion -------


.. 494

Coastal Surveys, appropriation for ------ 494 Cobb, W. F., payment to ---------- .- -- 111 Cocoa Fiber Mats, duty on ------------ 283 Coconut Oil, suspension in part of process- ing tax ------------------------- 752 Code, United States, appropriation for preparation and editing------------- 340 Code of Federal Regulations, publication of cumulative supplement ---------- 1045 Coffee Board, Inter-American, appropria- tion for contribution . - --- _------ 475 Coin-Operated Amusement and Gaming Devices, tax on------------------- 978 Coins and Coinage: Five-cent pieces, metallic content ------ 184 Melting down of certain.- - -- - - - 1065,1066 Special series, 1-cent and 3-cent pieces; issuance ------------------- - 1064 Suspension of coinage of certain minor coins authorized----------------- 1065 Colleges and Schools: Appropriation for- Agriculture and mechanic arts, col- leges of, endowment-------- 576 Defense workers, education and train- ing------------- - 101, 234, 373, 578 Loans, accelerated programs of study in technical and professional fields ----------------

576 Colombia, appropriation for ambassador to ----------------------------- 469 Colon, Republic of Panama, appropriation for waterworks, sewers, etc---------- 224 Colonial National Historical Park, York- town, Va., transfer of jurisdiction of portion of -------------- ..-- - - -. 1085 Colorado: Appropriation for- Colorado-Big Thompson project- Construction ----------------- 536 Operation and maintenance------- 532 Indians- Irrigation projects------------ 518, 521 Support, etc ----------------- 524, 526 Mesa Verde National Park---------- 550 Pine River project, operation and maintenance----------------- 532 Rocky Mountain National Park----- 550 Republican River, interstate compact for division of waters. -.-- -- -- 736 Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colo.: Appropriation for- Construction------------------- 536 Operation and maintenance--------- 532 Colorado River, bridge authorized across, at Needles, Calif----------------- 122 Colorado River Basin, appropriation for engineering, etc. , investigations---- 534 , 537 Colorado River Dam Fund, appropriation Page for ------------------------------ 535 Colorado River Development Fund, ap- propriation for ------.- '

_--_ 535 Colorado River Front Work and Levee System, appropriation for----------- 534 Colorado River Hospital, Ariz., appro- priation for --------- .- -- - -- -- -- -- 524 Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for irrigation system _518, 520 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, appro- priation for ------------------- 569, 999 Columbus, Miss., appropriation for ground rent, Federal building _------------ 406 Colville Hospital, Wash., appropriation for ---------------------------- 525 Colville Indians, Wash.: Appropriation for- Land, purchase of ----------------- 515 Support, etc--------------------- 526 Colville Irrigation Project, Wash., ap- propriation for-- --------------- 518 Combined Food Board, appropriation for- 1001 Comit6 International du Bois, appropria- tion for contribution .-- - -- -- -- -- - 681 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., appropriation for---------------------------- 612 Commerce, Department of: Appropriation Act, 1943------------ 489 Appropriation for- Audited claims --- 114, 118, 606, 609, 1008 Census, Bureau of the ---------. 240, 490 Civil Aeronautics, Office of Adminis- trator of---------- 240, 491, 714, 1002 Civil Aeronautics Board ------------ 493 Coast and Geodetic Survey------- 241,494 Coltilgelit expenses ----------.---- 4S9 D)aiage claims ---------- . 110, (102, 1006 Foreign and Domestic Conmmerce, Bureau of ------------------- 496 Judgments---------------- 111, 112, 604 Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of------------------- 496 National Inventors Council Service Staff ---------------------- 490 Patent Office------- ------------- 497 Printing and binding--------------- 490 Salaries ------------------------ 489 Secretary, Office of--------------- 489 Standards, National Bureau of - -- 235, 497 Traveling expenses----------------- 489 Weather Bureau ------------- 499, 1002 Appropriations, availability of certain- - 722 Census, Bureau of the, furnishing of evi- dence on age and citizenship of indi- viduals------------------------ 490 Census or statistical matters, special in- vestigations for war purposes------ 186 Citizenship requirements, employees--- 50S INDEX XVII