Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1158

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INDEX Federal Security Agency-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Food and Drug Administration ----- 569 Freedmen's Hospital -------------- 571 Howard University ------------- 571, 999 Miscellaneous and contingent ex- penses-- _--- --- --- --- --- --- - 568 National Youth Administration----- 571 Printing and binding- ---------- _ 568 Public Health Service. See separate title. St. Elizabeths Hospital- _ _ 235, 447, 584, 593 Social Security Board. See separate title. Training within industry --- _ ----- -_ 567 Traveling expenses---------------- 568 Citizenship requirements, employees--- 592 Civilian Conservation Corps. See sep- arate title. Freedmen's Hospital. See separatetitle. National Youth Administration. See separate title. Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating --------- ___

592 Public Health Service. See separate title. Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after- ------------------------- 592 Social Security Board. See separate title. Transfer of funds authorized---------- 568 Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from ------------------- _ 420 Federal Seed Act, appropriation to effect provisions of... _ .- -

__ .-- 689 Federal Surplus Commodities Corpora- tion: Appropriation for payment of judg- ments------------------- --- . - 112 Continuance ----------------------- 461 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ------ _ 152 Federal Trade Commission, appropriation for--------------------- .-- - -- - _ 405 Federal Trade Commission Act, im- munity for certain acts deemed neces- sary. to war effort------------------ 357 Federal Works Agency: Appropriation for- Administrator, Office of------------ 405 Audited claims---- __ _ _ --- ___

_ 1007 Damage claims ----- _ 110, 602, 603, 1006 District of Columbia, war public works, authorized --------- -- . 213 Appropriation for --------- _----- 634 Public Buildings Administration___ 406, 999 Administrative expenses, general- _ 406 Judgments---------- . 112,603, 604, 1007 Federal Works Agency-Continued. Page Appropriation for--Continued. Public Buildings Administration- Continued. Public buildings, D. C ., construc- tion ---------------------- 235 Public Buildings Acts, carrying out provisions of________________ 406 Public buildings and grounds, salaries and expenses __ 236, 407, 999 Public buildings and property, emergency safeguarding -- ___ 235 Public buildings outside District of Columbia, repair, etc------ 406 Standards, National Bureau of, ad- ditional facilities ----- _------ 235 Public Roads Administration-__- - 101, 236, 408, 713 Federal-aid highway system__ - - - 408 Grade crossings, elimination__- - _- 409 Inter-American Highway - - -- 101, 409 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway_ 410 Secondary or feeder roads------__ _ 409 Public Works Administration - ___ 410, 713 United States Housing Authority.- -- 410 Annual contributions------------ 411 Salaries and expenses __- -_ _ _ .-- - _ 410 United States Housing Corporation, dissolution --------- _-- --- --- - 406 Work Projects Administration ---- _ _ 634 Judgments -------- _ ----. . .. -- _ 1006 Army officer, detail of, to - -- ____..- 634 Housing, national-defense. See separate title. Inspectors of buildings abroad, etc., as- signment of personnel as-----. --. 480 Public Buildings Administration- Electric fans, water-cooling units, etc., in Government buildings, cus- tody........................ -9 99 Furniture, use of present ---------- 407 Governmental activity, furnishing of quarters, etc., to, payment for-- 407 Navy Cafeteria Association, custody of equipment------- ._ __- __ ._- Per diem employees, pay rates, etc- _ Repair, etc., limitation on amount for- Special policemen, designation of; authority----_-----_-___--___ Surveys, models, etc., allocation of cost of -. -- _ ___ ___ ___ Telephone switchboards, contracts for__ ....-.__........_..-- Public Roads Administration- Convict labor, restriction on employ- ment by States_ ._ _ . . ... ... Engineering, etc., equipment, charges for depreciation -------- .-. - _- Medical supplies, etc., in emergencies, use of funds for_-. .. . .. .. -- - 999 407 406 1000 406 407 408 408 409 XXXIV