Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1168

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Inter-American Trade-Mark Bureau, ap- Page propriation for contribution ------ 474 Intercontinental Rubber Company, acquisi- tion of operating rights, equipment, etc., authorized ------------------ 127 Appropriation authorized------------- 128 Appropriation for--------- 240, 596, 1001 Interior, Department of the: Acadia National Park, addition of lands- 327 Aerial photographs for mapping proj- ects, cooperation by War and Navy Departments-------------------- 539 Alaska- Insane, care and custody---------- Land offices and districts, reorganiza- tion--------------------- Revenues from schools, hospitals, etc., disposal-_---------------- Supplies, purchase and resale of, to employees, natives, etc-------- Traveling expenses of appointees, etc., payment of ---------------- Appropriation Act, 1943-------------- Appropriation for- Audited claims---- 114, 118, 606, 609, Bituminous Coal Division-------.- -- Bonneville Power Administration- ... Contingent expenses------------ Damage claims ------- 110, 602, 603, Fine Arts, Commission of --- .. .. Fish and Wildlife Service- .. - - -- - -- Migratory bird conservation fund_ - Wildlife restoration, Federal aid 782 778 95 95 531 506 1008 507 510 509 1006 510 554 557 in --------------------- -- 557 Forest-fire prevention---- _ - - - - _ - 241, 508 General Land Office .-- -.- --- -- - 104, 511 Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands- Conservation management--- 104, 512 Survey, etc., of lands and tim- ber--------------------- 511 Oklahoma, payment from royalties, south half of Red River------ 512 Oregon and California Railroad grant lands- Conservation management--. . 104, 512 Survey, etc., of lands and tim- ber --------------------- 51] Range improvements, public lands outside of grazing districts__ - 51, States, payments to, from proceeds of land sales ----------- . - - - 51, Geological Survey------------- 104, 53' Grazing Service------------------- 507 Indian Affairs, Bureau of--. . 512, 716, 100: Annuities and per capita payments- 53( Construction and repair---------- 521 Education-- --- -------------- 52: General expenses --------------- 51; Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Indian Affairs, Bureau of-Contd. General support and administra- tion----------------------- 525 Health, conservation of -------- 524 Industrial assistance and advance- ment--------------------- 515 Irrigation and drainage---------- 517 Land, acquisition of------------- 514 Roads and bridges ------------- 529 Salaries ----------------------- 512 Water supply, development ----- 517 Judgments.---------- 112, 603, 604, 1007 Mineral resources and facilities, pro- tection -------------------- 241 Mines, Bureau of------ 105, 540, 716, 1002 National Park Service----------- 548, 717 Forest-fire prevention, etc-------- 551 Historic sites and buildings------- 553 National Capital parks, adminis- tration, etc--------------- 553, 717 Photographic mat service-------- 552 Recreational demonstration areas- 553 Roads and trails---------------- 552 Travel Bureau------------------ 553 Water rights, investigation and purchase------------------- 553 Petroleum Conservation Division- 507, 716 Petroleum Coordinator for War, Office of--------------------- 715 Philippine Islands, U. S. High Com- missioner to------------------ 510 Printing and binding -------- _-- -- 509 Reclamation, Bureau of------------ 531 Colorado River Dam Fund------- 535 General fund, construction -- _ -- -_ 536 Protection of project works ------- 535 Salaries ----.----------

506 Secretary, Office of-------------- 241, 506 Soil and moisture conservation oper- ations ----------------------- 508 Solicitor, Office of----------------- 506 Solid Fuels Coordination, Office of- _ 716 Territories, government in---------- 105, 242, 558, 597, 1003 Alaska ------------ 105, 242, 558, 1003 Antarctic regions, survey of.. _____ 597 Equatorial and South Sea Islands_ 560 Hawaii----------------------- 105, 559 Puerto Rican hurricane relief- -- 560 Relief and civilian defense-------- 105 Virgin Islands --------------- 242, 560 Territories and Island Possessions, Division of ------------------ 507 Appropriations, availability of certain-_ 722 Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, correction of land description _- -- 141 Bulletins, publication, etc--------- . -- . 510 INDEX XLIV