Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1194

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Navy Department-Continued. Page Employees on duty outside United States, transportation of depend- ents, etc -_ --- --- --- --- --- ---- -- 64 Enlisted men, detail to Department, etc -------------------------- 76, 82 Food or clothing, preference for U. S . products___------------------ 62 Foreign duty, special, funds for pay- ment for----------------------- 993 Government-owned facilities, providing of, for construction of war items__- 1053 Helium, transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines for procurement ----- 67, 547, 992 Helium plants, transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines for construction and equipment ----------------- 544 Housing, national-defense, transfer of jurisdiction to, authorized____-- -_ 12 Hydrographic Office, Washington, D. C., limitation on detail of surveyors to_---------------------------- Illinois, conveyance to, of portion of Naval Training Station, Great Lakes------------- Isle Royale National Park, Mich., juris- diction over certain lands in - _. -- Lakehurst, N. J., Naval Air Station, acquisition of certain lands adjoin- ing.------------- Land purchase contracts, limitation on commissions ----------- Lend-Lease Act, disposal of defense articles under; limitation --- 82, 233 , Letters patent, purchase, etc---------- Loans for national-defense purposes, participation in_ .-- ------ .-- ---- Marine Corps. See separate title. Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, transfer of lands ----------------. ----- --- Mechanicsburg, Pa., exchange of lands in--------------------------- Naval Academy. See separate title. Naval Personnel, Bureau of, designation of Bureau of Navigation changed to.................-_ .. ... ... Naval procurement fund, establish- ment ---------------- Naval stock fund, designation of______ Naval supply account fund, designation as naval stock fund--_ --- . Naval vessels. See separate title. Navigation, Bureau of, redesignation as Bureau of Naval Personnel- _- - - - Navigation and inspection laws, waiver of compliance with----------.. .- Oakland, Calif., Naval Supply Depot, administration------------- 58 308 722 198 78 994 76 856 96 78C 276 645 646 646 276 180 47 Navy Department-Continued. Page Osteopathy, medical officers who are graduates in, funds for payment to_ 993 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating ___-- -_ _- --- -- --- --- - 78 Overtime pay for certain employees, time extension ----- _- ---- 645, 765, 1068 Pay and allowance accounts, certificates of officers ----------------

987 Per diem rates of allowance----------- 63 Philippine citizens, services rendered by, waiver of certain citizenship re- quirements-_-----


230 Photographs, sketches, etc., of naval properties, unauthorized __ - - _ - - - - 390 Posthumous appointment or promotion, officers and enlisted men _ ---- --_ - 722 Priority in delivery of materials -__- - 178 Procurement of supplies and services by contract, etc-------------------- 662 Public-works projects- Appropriation authorized------ 51, 248, 742 Appropriation for_--- ----- ---_ _ 66, 231 Contractors and employees, relief for losses due to enemy action------ 51 Contractor's fee, restriction-------- 67, 232 Report to Congress---------------- 51 Puget Sound, Wash., establishment of fuel depot---------------------- 986 Quarters, cost limitation _--- _--- -- - 67, 231 Additional expenditures for utilities, etc------------------------ 51, 769 Receipts of public moneys, use for cur- rent expenditures---------------- 64 Repairs and alterations to naval vessels, authority to exceed statutory limit- 78 Rewards for suggestions resulting in improvements, economy, etc., funds for--------------- ------------ 993 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, funds available for expenses of men inducted under ----------- 77 Shore establishments, use of permanent type of construction --- _-----_-- 66, 231 Small business, loans, etc., to--------- 355 Terminal Island, Calif., transfer of funds for replacement of, to De- partment of Justice ------------- 487 Time-measuring devices, restriction on use--------------------------- 76 Transportation of personnel- Use of funds for ------------------ 993 War effort, persons engaged in------ 1024 Vehicles- Maintenance, etc., repeal of limita- tion------------------------- 80 Use limited to official purposes; ex- oeptions ---------------------- 77 INDEX LXX