Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1205

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Real Estate, liens on, U. S. as party de- Page fendant--

102( Reclamation, Bureau of. See under In- terior, Department of the. Reclamation Projects, development of farm units on public lands under, time extension ------- .. . __.----- _ 732 Reconstruction Finance Corporation. See also Reconstruction Finance Corpo- ration Act, Amendments. Agriculture, Department of, advances for rural rehabilitation loans - - - 696 Appropriation for-- ___- - - - _____- - - - - 403 Federal Housing Administration, funds advanced to, amount available for payment of losses under insurance_ 402 Lending authority, increase. -- 175, 176, 326, 695, 697, 698 Securities transferred to Treasury De- partment, disposition of certain- _ - 40 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ----- _ 154 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, Amendments: Lending authority, increase---- 175, 176, 326, 695, 697, 698 Loans for national-defense purposes -- 356 Rationed articles, purchases or loans to dealers--


-- _ ------ .- --- 275 Real estate, acquisition or disposition Rent Control. See Price Control Act of Page 1942, Emergency; District of Colum- bia, Emergency Rent Act, amend- ments. Reports Act of 1942, Federal. See Fed- eral Reports Act of 1942. Representatives in Congress. See House of Representatives. Republican River, interstate compact for division of waters ---------------- 736 Requisitioning of War Materials, etc.: Authority of President -------- _--_ 181, 467 Time extension -----------.- --- --. 468 Funds available for payment for - .- _ 706 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Army: Additional students in designated units, restriction on------------------- 627 Appropriation for --- _______.--------626 Restriction on use of other funds -- _ 627 Mounted, etc., units, limitation on number ----------------------- 627 Uniforms, etc., furnishing from War De- partment surplus stocks------_ __ _ 627 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Naval: Appropriation for -________ ___--- -- 57 Medical care and funeral expenses for certain members ------ ____----- 781 Uniforms, etc., furnishing from surplus stocks---------_------__

-- -- 57 Resettlement Projects, appropriation for liquidation and management -------- 696 Resources Planning Board. See National Resources Planning Board. Retirement. See Canal Zone, Code amend- ments; Civil Service Retirement Act, Amendments; Navy; Pay Readjust- ment Act of 1942; Railroad Retire- ment Act of 1937, Amendments. Revenue Act of 1926, Amendment, estate tax, deductions for property pre- viously taxed -------------------- 948 Revenue Act of 1928, Amendment, volun- tary employees' beneficiary associa- tions, exemption from income tax---- 836 Revenue Act of 1932, Amendment, volun- tary employees' beneficiary associa- tions, exemption from income tax- _- 836 Revenue Act of 1934, Amendment, volun- tary employees' beneficiary associa- tions, exemption from income tax___ 836 Revenue Act of 1936, Amendments: Dividends ----------. - -- - -- -- - -- - 896, 897 of ---------------- _-____.-_--. War Damage Corporation, supplying of funds to-- __ __ -_ -- -- Reconstruction Finance Corporation Mort- gage Company. See RFC Mortgage Company. Records, U. S . Government, disposition of, reports on ------------- -- ___- Recreational Demonstration Projects, dis- position of

Red Lake Hospital, Minn., appropriation for-- ...- .. '_ . .-- -- .-- Red Lake Indians, Minn., title to certain lands -------------- ... ---------- Red River, payment to Oklahoma, from oil and gas royalties, south half---- Reformatories, U. S., appropriation for maintenance, etc---------------- Refrigerators, tax on -------------- Registration of Foreign Agents. See For- eign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended. Relief. See Emergency Relief Appropria- tion Act, 1943; Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Acts. Relocation Authority. See War Reloca- tion Authority. Rent Act. See Emergency Rent Act, amendments, under District of Co- lumbia. 174 175 170 326 524 1039 512 487 978 Processing tax, claims for refunds, pro- cedure-------------- ___ _-- --- Review, Board of, abolition; transfer of jurisdiction to Board of Tax Ap- peals ------------------------. Undistributed profits tax, credits for... 967 967 954 INDEX LXXXI " '" "