Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1214

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INDEX Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Page Act: Administrative expenses, accounting, limitations, etc------------------ 41 Amendments- Farms acquired in war effort, pay- ments for crops ------------ 761 Wheat acreage allotments of farms acquired for defense purposes, adjustment ------------------ 63 Appropriation to effect provisions of__- 691 Soil Conservation Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Soil Investigations, appropriation for---- 678 Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act Amendments of 1942-------------- 769 Allied forces, U. S. citizens serving with_ 770 Benefits, etc., extension to certain per- sons--------------------------- 769 Criminal bail bond, nonenforcement during military service of principal- 769 Deferment of liabilities, additional---- 777 Dependents, benefits to-------------- 773 Installment contracts for purchase of property--------------------- 771, 772 Insurance policies _----------------- 773 Interest rate on obligations---------- 771 Leases ---------------------------- 772 Mortgages------------------------- 771 Penalty provisions -------------- 772, 773 Rent, eviction, etc ---------------- 771 Storage liens------------------------ 773 Taxes --------------------------- - 776 Time limits for bringing actions --- 770, 964 Written agreements executed during or after military service, validity---- 770 Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, Amendment, definition of terms- 282 Soldiers' Home, United States, appropria- tion for------------------------- 222 Solicitor General. See under Justice, De- partment of. Solid Fuels Coordination, Office of, ap- propriation for ------------------- 716 South Africa, Union of, appropriation for minister to -


South American Republics. See American Republics. South Carolina: Atlantic Seaboard fisheries, consent of Congress to entry into interstate compact------------------------ 270 Charleston County, School District No. 20, grant of land to-------------- 308 South Charleston, W. Va., Ordnance Sta- tion, appropriation for operation of school--------------------------- 60 South Dakota, appropriation for: Page Indians- Construction and repair of buildings- 530 Support, etc ------------------ 523, 525 Wind Cave National Park ----------- 550 South Sea Islands, appropriation for ad- ministrative expenses -------------- 560 Southern Pacific Company, validation of certain conveyances ------------- 20, 311 Southern Pacific Railroad Company, vali- dation of conveyance-------------- 311 Southern Ute Indians, Colo., appropria- tion for support, etc -------------- 526 Southern Ute Irrigation Project, Colo., appropriation for---------------- 518, 521 Southwest Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos, Tex., conveyance to--- 664 Soviet Socialist Republics, Union of, ap- propriation for ambassador to------- 469 Soybean Investigations, funds available for transfer of ---------------- 671 Spain, appropriation for ambassador to - 469 Spanish-American War: Prize money to captors, payment of- __ 1010 Veterans, naturalized, and their depend- ents, preservation of nationality___ 1085 Volunteers, appropriation for payment of claims of certain------- 119, 609, 1010 Speaker of the House of Representatives, appropriation for Office of--------- 335 Spokane Indians, Wash., appropriation for: Land, purchase of ------------------ 515 Support, etc ----------------------- 516 Stamp Tax. See under Revenue Act of 1942. Standard Container Acts, appropriation for enforcement------------------- 688' Standards, National Bureau of. See un- der Commerce, Department of. Standing Rock Hospital, N. Dak., appro- priation for __-------_----

- 525 Stanislaus National Forest, appropriation for road maintenance -------------- 551 Star-Route Service, appropriation for --- 106, 164, 165, 599 State, Department of. See also Confer- ences, Expositions, etc.; International Obligations. Ambassadors and ministers. See under Foreign Service, this title. American republics, cooperation with, transfer of funds to other depart- ments, etc ------------ .- -- -- -- - 479 Appropriation Act, 1943-------------- 468 Appropriation for- Audited claims------------ 116, 607, 1009 Contingent expenses--------- 107, 468, 718 Contributions, quotas, etc ---- 474, 600, 719 ments, etc


Appropriation Act, 1943 -------------- 468 Appropriation for-- Audited claims ------------- 116,607,1009 Contingent expenses --------- 107,468 ,718 Contributions. Quotas, etc ---- 474.600,719