Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/138

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 108 -FEB . 21, 1942 42 Stat. 1066. 31U.S.C:SuppI, § 215 note. 24 Stat. 506; 36 Stat. Suits in admiralty. 43 Stat. 1112. Federal Works Agency, $1,735.19; Veterans' Administration, $279.25; Department of Agriculture, $4,670.19; Department of Commerce, $314.74; Department of the Interior, $1,212.37; Department of Justice, $38.63; Navy Department, $3,684.92; Treasury Department, $1,309.20; War Department, $34,662.47; Post Office Department, payable from postal revenues, $3,466.28; In all, $51,493.37: Provided, That the amount allowed in the case of item 82 on page 80 of such House Document Numbered 574, is corrected to read "$23.17". (b) For the payment of claims for damages to or losses of privately owned property adjusted and determined by the following respective departments and independent offices, under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in the sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case", approved December 28, 1922 (31 U. S . C. 215), as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 174, Seventy-seventh Congress, as follows: Federal Works Agency, $1,202.24; Department of Agriculture, $199.08; Department of the Interior, $422.72; Navy Department, $1,513.35; Treasury Department, $218.75; War Department, $8,243.87; In all, $11,800.01. JUDGMENTS, UNITED STATES COURTS SEC. 202. (a) For the payment of the final judgments, including costs of suits, which have been rendered under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1887, entitled "An Act to provide for the bringing of suits against the Government of the United States", as amended by section 297 of the Act of March 3, 1911 (28 U. S. C. 761), and which have been certified to the Seventy-seventh Congress in House Document Numbered 572, under the following departments and establishments: Department of Agriculture, $731.88; Post Office Department, $468.81; Treasury Department, $8,250.41; War Department, $11,759.41; In all, $21,210.51, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay costs and interest as specified in such judgments or as provided by law. (b) For the payment of judgments, including cost of suits, ren- dered against the Government of the United States by United States district courts under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act author- izing suits against the United States in admiralty for damages caused by and salvage services rendered to public vessels belonging to the United States, and for other purposes", approved March 3, 1925 (46 U. S . C. 781-789), and which have been certified to the Seventy- seventh Congress in Senate Document Numbered 173 and House Document Numbered 572 under the following departments: Department of Justice, $1,389.50; Navy Department, $2,000; In all, $3,389.50, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay cost and interest as and where specified in such judgments or as provided by law. [56 STAT.