Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/27

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 797 -_- Opium Poppy Control Act of 1942. AN ACT To discharge more effectively the obligations of the United States under certain treaties relating to the manufacture and distribution of nar- cotic drugs, by providing for domestic control of the produc- tion and distribution of the opium poppy and its products, and for other purposes--- ----------------------------- 798 -- - Travel pay for certain military and naval personnel. AN ACT To further amend section 126 of the Act of June 3, 1916, as amended, to authorize travel pay for certain military and naval personnel on discharge or release or relief from active duty---------------------------------------- 799 --- Military Academy, departments of instruction. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to designate the titles of cer- tain offices and departments of instruction at the United States Military Academy -_____________________-- - 800 --- Oaths and acknowledgments. AN ACT To amend Article of War 114 so as to broaden the power to administer oaths and take acknowledgments - --------------- --- --- 801 --- Circuitjudge. AN ACT To provide for the appointment of an additional circuit judge for the fifth circuit-_ _ _ ---- -- 802 -__ Army, precedence among officers. AN ACT To amend paragraph 8, section 127a, of the National Defense Act so as to authorize certain service to be counted in determining precedence among officers when dates of rank are the same -- __________-- - - 803 --- Cab liability insurance, D. C . AN ACT To amend an Act en- titled "An Act to provide that all cabs for hire in the District of Columbia be compelled to carry insurance for the protec- tion of passengers, and for other purposes", approved June 29, 1938 -----------------------------.------------- 804 --- Court-martial sentences. AN ACT Amending the first sentence of Article of War 52, relative to execution of court-martial sen- tences - -

_______________________ 805 _ --Army, award of silver star. AN ACT To amend the Act of Janu- ary 24, 1920, so as to authorize the award of a silver star to certain persons serving with the Army of the United States_ 806 - - - Government employees, accumulationof leave. AN ACT To amend the Act approved March 14, 1936, entitled "An Act to provide for vacations for government employees, and for other pur- poses"--------

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807 --- Rear admiral, Dental Corps, Navy. AN ACT To authorize the rank of rear admiral in the Dental Corps of the United States Navy

- - - - - - - - - -- - - - 808 --- Prosecutionof war. AN ACT To expedite the prosecution of war, and for other purposes--- ._ _ -- -- -- -- -- -- 809 _ --Revenue Act of 1942, amendment. JOINT RESOLUTION To amend the Revenue Act of 1942 --- __------__--------_ 810 --- Insanitary buildings, D. C. AN ACT To amend an Act en- titled 'An Act to create a board for the condemnation of in- sanitary buildings in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes", approved May 1, 1906, as amended, and for other purposes ------------------------------ _________. .---- 811 _-. MIilitary decorationsfor cobelligerents. AN ACT To authorize the President to confer decorations and medals upon units of, or persons serving with, the military forces of cobelligerent na- tions _----------------- ..--- 812 ___ Anthracite region, Pa., research laboratory. AN ACT To provide for the establishment and operation of a research laboratory in the Pennsylvania anthracite region for investigation of the mining, preparation and utilization of the mining, preparation and utilization of anthracite, for the development of new uses and markets, for improvement of health and safety in mining; and for a comprehensive study of the region to aid in the solution of its economic problems and to make its natural and human resources of maximum usefulness in the war effort-_ - 813 ___ Army, savings deposits of enlisted men. AN ACT To amend sections 1305 and 1306 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, to eliminate the prohibition against payment of deposits, and interest thereon, of enlisted men until final discharge - __ __ _ 814 ___ Settlement of Mexican Claims Act of 1942. AN ACT To provide for the settlement of certain claims of the Government of the United States on behalf of American nationals against the Government of Mexico---------------------------------- xxvii Date Pai Dec. 11, 1942-_ 104 Dec. 14, 1942___ 104 Dec. 14, 1942__ 104 Dec. 14, 1942- __ 105i Dec. 14, 1942___ 1051 Dec. 14, 1942___ 1051 Dec. 15, 1942._- 105: Dec. 15, 1942-_ _ 1051 Dec. 15, 1942___ 105' Dec. 17, 1942___ 105' Dec. 17, 1942___ 105: Dec. 17, 1942___ 1053 Dec. 17, 1942- _ _ 1054 Dec. 17, 1942-- _ 1054 Dec. 17, 1942- __ 1056 Dec. 18, 1942__ 1056 Dec. 18, 1942__ - 1057 Dee. 18, 1942--- 1058 ge 5 9 9 0 0 3 I 1