Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/289

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. 264, 265-APR. 29, 1942 SEC. 8 . That all fees, costs, and expenses arising in cases under this Act and properly chargeable to the United States shall be certified. approved, and paid as are like fees, costs, and expenses in the courts of the United States. SEC. 9. That all fees, fines, and costs and expenses imposed and col- lected shall be deposited by the commissioner, or by the marshal of the United States collecting the same, with the clerk of the respective United States district courts for either the western district of North Carolina or the eastern district of Tennessee, depending upon the dis- trict in which the offense for which collection is made shall have taken place. SEC. 10. That the Secretary of the Interior shall notify in writing the Governors of the States of North Carolina and Tennessee of the passage and approval of this Act, and of the fact that the United States assumes police jurisdiction over said park as specified in said acts of the States of North Carolina and Tennessee. Upon the accept- ance by the Secretary of the Interior of further cessions of jurisdiction over lands now or hereafter included in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the provisions of sections 2 to 9, inclusive, shall apply to such lands. Approved, April 29, 1942. [CHAPTER 265] AN ACT To create a Recreation Board for the District of Columbia, to define its duties, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby created in and for the District of Columbia a Recreation Board here- inafter referred to as "the Board". ARTICLE I-MEMBERSHIP OF THE RECREATION BOARD SECTION 1. The Board shall consist of seven members as follows: A representative of the Board of Commissioners selected by that Board; a representative of the Board of Education selected by that Board; the Superintendent of the National Capital Parks ex officio; and four members, who shall have been for five years immediately preceding their selection bona fide residents of the District of Columbia, appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for a term of four years each, except the original appoint- ments which shall be for terms of one, two, three, and four years, respectively. The appointment of the four citizens shall be without regard to race, sex, or creed, and shall take judicious account of the various parent, civic, and other organizations through which resi- dents of the District voice their civic wishes and advance the common welfare. The two members of the Board representing the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education shall be designated annually by their respective agencies. SEC. 2 . The members of the Board shall not be personally liable in damages for any official action of the said Board performed in good faith, nor shall any member of said Board be liable for any costs that may be taxed against them or the Board on account of any such official action; but such costs shall be charged to the District of Columbia and paid as other costs are paid in suits brought against the municipality; nor shall the said Board or any of its members be required to give any supersedeas bond or security for costs or damages on any appeal whatever. 261 Fees, costs, and. ex - penses. Deposits. Notice of passage of Act. Application of pro- visions. April 29, 1942 [H. R . 5075] [Public Law 534] Recreation Board, D.C . Membership and terms of office. Nonliability of members.