Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/302

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 300 -MAY 9, 1942 [CHAPTER 300] AN ACT May 9, 1942 [s. 2356] Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to grant easements in certain IPublic Law 548] lands of the Veterans' Administration Facility, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, to the city of Murfreesboro, State of Tennessee, to enable the city to construct and maintain a water-pumping station and pipe line. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the MurfreesboroTein. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Adminis- Easementsforwater- pumping station and trator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized and directed to grant ease- pipe line. ments to the city of Murfreesboro, State of Tennessee, to enable the city to construct and maintain a water-pumping station and pipe line, in certain lands of the Veterans' Administration Facility, Murfrees- boro, Tennessee, described as follows: PIPE LINE Beginning at a point in the southern boundary of the Veterans' Administration Facility, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in the center of Compton Road, said point being three thousand and eighty-eight feet east of the intersection of the center line of Compton Road with the center line of Lebanon-Murfreesboro Pike at the southwest corner of the Veterans' Administration Facility; thence north one degree thirty-two minutes west four thousand and thirty-four feet more or less to a point on the south bank of Stones River. PUMP-HOUSE SITE Beginning at a point in the above-described pipe line twelve feet south of the south bank of Stones River; thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-eight minutes west eleven feet; thence north one degree thirty-two minutes west thirty-five feet; thence north eighty- eight degrees twenty-eight minutes east twenty-two feet; thence south one degree thirty-two minutes east thirty-five feet; thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-eight minutes west eleven feet to the point of beginning. ACCESS ROAD A strip of land twelve feet wide running in an easterly direction eight hundred feet more or less along the south bank of Stones River from the pum)p-house site to the easterly boundary of the Veterans' Administration Facility. Conditions. SEC. 2. The easements authorized by this Act shall be conditioned on the erection by the city of Murfreesboro, without expense to the United States, of a fence, enclosing the pump-house site, satisfactory to the Veterans' Administration, and no other portion of the lands described in this Act will be fenced; the depth of the cover over the pipe line shall be sufficient so that no interference will result in the use of the land for farming activities; no electric transmission line of any kind shall be erected on the facility lands by the city of Murfreesboro under the easements granted pursuant to this Act and no pole for the support of electric wires shall be located at any point on the facility outside of the pump-house site: all of the lands covered by the easements with the exception of the fenced pump-house site shall remain available for Veterans' Administration activities not incompatible with the purpose of the easements and the existing dam and reservoir in Stones River shall be maintained by the city of Murfreesboro and available as an emergency water supply for the Veterans' Administration. Limitation. SEc. 3. The easements herein authorized to be granted shall be limited to the period of time the aforesaid lands are required and 274 [56 STAT.