Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/343

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 340 -JUNE 5, 1942 limit to the period of absence from the permanent station, their dependents and household effects may be moved at Government expense, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may pre- scribe, to such location in the United States as may be designated by the employee concerned and later from such location to a perma- nent duty station to which the employee is assigned, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe regarding the shipment of dependents into specified zones: Provided, That the pro- visions of this subsection shall be applicable to travel performed by dependents and household effects moved on and after December 8, 1941. SEC. 4 . (a) That any funds available for the payment of travel allowances and travel in kind. shall be available for the payment of such allowances as are now or may hereafter be authorized for dependents of personnel of the Regular Army, for travel of depend- ents of personnel of corresponding grades in the Army of the United States while in the service of the United States, and from home to first station and from last station to home when ordered to or relieved from active duty: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection shall be applicable to travel performed by dependents on and after September 8, 1939. (b) When such military personnel are on duty at places designated by the Secretary of War as within zones from which their depend- ents should be evacuated for military reasons, or upon transfer or assignment to duty of such military personnel to places where their dependents are not, for military reasons, permitted to accompany them or where Government quarters for their dependents are not available, dependents for whom travel allowances and travel in kind is authorized, and household effects which are authorized to be moved at Government expense, may be moved at Government expense to such locations as may be designated by the officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man concerned and later from such locations to a duty station to which such officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man may be assigned and at which the above restrictions do not apply: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection shall be applicable to travel per- formed by dependents and household effects moved on and after December 8. 1941. (c) WVhen such military personnel are assigned to temporary duty away from their permlanent station on orders which do not provide for return to the permanent station, or which do not specify or imlply any limit to the period of absence from the permanent station, dependents for whom travel allowances and travel in kind are author- ized, and household effects which are authorized to be moved at Government expense on permanent change of station, may be moved at Government expense to such location in the United States as may be designated by the officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man concerned and later from such location to a permanent duty station to which the officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man is assigned, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe regarding the shipment of dependents into specified zones: Provided. That the pro- visions of this subsection shall be applicable to travel performed by dependents and household effects moved on and after December 8, 1941. (d) Officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Army of the United States, now in the active Federal service, for whom trans- portation of household effects is authorized, may elect to have such household effects moved at Government expense from their permanent station to any point in the United States, for storage at their own expense for the duration of the wars in which the United States is Dependents and household effects. Proviso. Military personnel. Travel of depend- ents. Ante, p. 226; post, p. 613. Proviso. Removal of depend- ents and household effects from restricted zones. Proiso. Temporary duty away from permanent station. Dependents and household effects. Proviso. Removal of house- hold effects for storage. 315