Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/365

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77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 396-JUNE 8, 1942 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; janitors-one, $1,560; two at $1,260 each. World War Veterans' Leg- islation-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; in all, $334,700. OFFICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS Salaries: Sergeant at Arms, $8,000; Deputy Sergeant at Arms in charge of mace, $3,180; cashier, $6,000; assistant cashier, $4,000; two bookkeepers, at $3,360 each; Deputy Sergeant at Arms in charge of pairs, $3,600 and $300 additional while the position is held by the present incumbent; pair clerk and messenger, $2,820; stenographer, $2,500; skilled laborer, $1,380; hire of automobile, $600; in all, $39,100. Police force, House Office Building, under the Sergeant at Arms: Lieutenant, $1,740; three sergeants at $1,680 each; thirty-five privates at $1,620 each; in all, $63,480. OFFICE OF DOORKEEPER Salaries: Doorkeeper, $6,000; special employee, $3,000; superin- tendent of House Press Gallery, $3,660; assistants to the superin- tendent of the House Press Gallery-one at $2,520, and $300 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent, and one at $2,400; House Radio Press Gallery-superintendent of radio room at $2,700; messenger at $1,560; chief janitor, $2,700; mes- sengers-one chief messenger, $2,240, sixteen messengers at $1,740 each, fourteen on soldiers' roll at $1,740 each; laborers-seventeen at $1,260 each, two (cloakroom) at $1,380 each, one (cloakroom), $1.260, and seven (cloakroom) at $1,140 each; three female attendants in ladies' retiring rooms at $1,680 each, attendant for the ladies' reception room, $1,440; superintendent of folding room, $3,180 and $420 additional so long as the position is held by the present incum- bent; foreman of folding room, $2.640; chief clerk to superintendent of folding room, $2,460; three clerks at $2,160 each; janitor, $1,260; laborer, $1,260; thirty-one folders at $1,440 each; shipping clerk, $1.740; two drivers at $1,380 each; two chief pages at $1,980 each and $180 each additional so long as the respective positions are held by the respective present incumbents; two telephone pages at $1,680 each; two floor managers of telephones (one for the minority) at $3,180 each and $300 each additional so long as the respective posi- tions are held by the respective present incumbents; two assistant floor managers in charge of telephones (one for the minority) at $2,100 each; forty-seven pages during the session, including ten pages PoS' P. 6 53 for duty at the entrances to the Hall of the House at $4 per day each, $34,028; superintendent of document room (Elmer A. Lewis), $3,960 and $1,040 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; assistant superintendent of document room, $2.760; clerk, $2.320; assistant clerk, $2,160; eight assistants at $1,860 each; janitor, $1,440; messenger to press room (House Press Gallery), $1,560; maintenance and repair of folding-room motortruck, $500; in all, $269,508. SPECIAL AND MINORITY EMPLOYEES For the minority employees authorized and named in the House Resolutions Numbered 51 and 53 of December 11, 1931, as amended: Two at $5,000 each, three at $3.000 each; one at $3,600 and $300 additional while the position is held by the present incumbent (minority pair clerk, House Resolution Numbered 313 of August 7, 1935); in all, $22,900. Special employees: Assistant foreman of the folding room, author- ized in the resolution of September 30, 1913, $1,980; laborer, 65714---43-PT. I -22 337 56 STAT.]