Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/433

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77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 450 -JUNE 27, 1942 For all printing and binding for the Federal Power Commission, including engraving, lithographing, and photolithographing, $42,000. Total, Federal Power Commission, $2,764,395. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION For five Commissioners, and for all other authorized expenditures of the Federal Trade Commission in performing the duties imposed by law or in pursuance of law, including secretary to the Commission and other personal services, contract stenographic reporting services; supplies and equipment, lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, garage rentals, not to exceed $124,380 for traveling expenses, includ- ing not to exceed $900 for expenses of attendance, when specifically authorized by the Commission, at meetings concerned with the work of the Federal Trade Commission, for newspapers not to exceed $500, foreign postage, and witness fees and mileage in accordance with section 9 of the Federal Trade Commission Act; $2,000,000: Provided, That no part of the funds appropriated herein for the Federal Trade Commission shall be expended upon any investigation hereafter pro- vided by concurrent resolution of the Congress until funds are appro- priated subsequently to the enactment of such resolution to finance the cost of such investigation. For all printing and binding for the Federal Trade Commission, $50,250. Total, Federal Trade Commission, $2,050,250. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Salaries and expenses: For salaries in the Office of the Admin- istrator in the District of Columbia, including the salary of a General Counsel at $10,000 per annum, and other expenses of said office, including printing and binding (not to exceed $10,000); actual trans- portation expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of sub- sistence and other expenses to persons serving, while away from their homes without other compensation from the United States, in an advisory capacity to the Administrator; purchase (including exchange) of lawbooks and other books of reference, and periodicals; preparation, shipment, and installation of photographic displays, exhibits, and other descriptive materials; not to exceed $1,500 for expenses of attendance, when specifically authorized by the Adminis- trator, at meetings or conventions relating to the work of the Agency; not to exceed $10,000 for the employment of persons or organizations by contract or otherwise, for special services determined by the Administrator to be necessary, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, and classification laws, $350,000: Provided, That not to exceed $120,000, as itemized in the Budget schedules for the fiscal year 1943 under the Office of the Administrator, of funds available to the constituent units of the Federal Works Agency, may be transferred to this appropriation for the purposes thereof: Pro- vided further, That the Administrator may transfer to this appro- priation from funds available for administrative expenses of the constituent units of the Federal Works Agency such additional sums as represent a consolidation in the Office of the Administrator of any of the administrative functions of said constituent units; but no such transfer of additional funds shall be made unless the consolidation of administrative functions will result in a reduction of administrative salary and other expenses and such reduction is accompanied by savings in funds appropriated to the Federal Works Agency, which Printing and bind- ing. Salaries and ex- penses. 38 Stat. 722 . 15U.S. . §49. Proviso. Restriction on use of funds. Printing and bind- ing. Poet, pp. 634, 713, 999. Special services. 41U.S.0.I5. Provios. Transfer of funds. 56 STAT.] 405