Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/439

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 450 -JUNE 27, 1942 expenses, and so much of all such receipts (including such receipts prior to the enactment of this Act) as is necessary to accomplish the purposes of this proviso, shall be immediately and continuously available until June 30,1944. Annual contributions: For the payment of annual contributions to public housing agencies in accordance with section 10 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended (42 U. S. C. 1410), $13,000,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropria- tion for this purpose for the fiscal year 1942: Provided, That except for payments required on contracts entered into prior to April 18, 1940, no part of this appropriation shall be available for payment to any public-housing agency for expenditure in connection with any low-rent housing project, unless the public-housing agency shall have adopted regulations prohibiting as a tenant of any such project by rental or occupancy any person other than a citizen of the United States. Any of the foregoing appropriations for general or administrative expenses under the Federal Works Agency shall be available for the maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles in the District of Columbia and in the field. The Federal Works Administrator or other official designated by him may exchange motor-propelled vehicles, scientific apparatus, instruments, labor-saving office devices, and accessories in whole or in part payment for vehicles, scientific apparatus, instruments, labor- saving devices, and accessories. FOREIGN-SERVICE PAY ADJUSTMENT Foreign-service pay adjustment of officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies: For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize annual appropriations to meet losses sustained by officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies in their relation to the American dollar, and for other purposes", approved March 26, 1934 (U. S . C ., Supp. IV, title 5, sec. 118c), and for each and every object and purpose specified therein, $1,350,000. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Salaries: For Comptroller General, Assistant Comptroller Gen- eral, and other personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $16,326,490, of which amount not to exceed $1,000,000 shall be immediately available: Provided, That hereafter, notwith- standing the provisions of the Act of August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1219), the Comptroller General of the United States is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to destroy and dispose of stamps issued by the Sur- plus Marketing Administration of the Department of Agriculture after the said stamps have been paid by the Division of Disbursement of the Treasury Department and audited by the General Accounting Office, either in the field or at the seat of government. Contingent expenses: For traveling expenses not to exceed $145,845, materials, supplies, equipment, and services; procurement and exchange of books, lawbooks, books of reference, and not to exceed $100 for periodicals, typewriters, calculating machines, and other office appliances, including their development, repairs, and main- tenance, including one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle; and miscellaneous items, $481,795, of which amount not to exceed $100,000 shall be immediately available. 411 Annual contribu- tions. 60 Stat. 891. Proviso. Citizenship require- ment. Vehicles. Exchanges. 48 Stat. 466. 5 U.S. §C.118c. Post, p. 1000. Proviso. Disposition of stamps. 44 U.. c. C. 351- 361.