Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/448

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 450-JUNE 27, 1942 Personal services, etc. 54 Stat. 1105 . 5 U. S. C. 73c-1. School transporta- tion. Transfer of funds. Purchase of tobacco. Aid to State, etc., homes. 25 Stat. 450. Medical consult- ants. 42 Stat. 1488 . 5U. S. C. § 661-674; Supp. I, ch. 13 . Post, p. 733. Reduced-fare re- quests. Construction and repair, restrictions. Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of medical science or for the betterment of insur- ance practices and conventions of organized war veterans: Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available also for personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including travel- ing expenses; examination of estimates of appropriations in the field, including actual expenses of subsistence or per diem allowance in lieu thereof; transfer of household goods and effects as provided by the Act of October 10, 1940, and regulations promulgated thereunder; furnishing and laundering of such wearing apparel as may be pre- scribed for employees in the performance of their official duties; purchase and exchange of lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers; for passenger-carrying and other motor vehicles, including purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of same, including not more than two passenger automobiles for general admin- istrative use of the central office in the District of Columbia; and notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, the Adminis- trator is authorized to utilize Government-owned automotive equip- ment in transporting children of Veterans' Administration employees located at isolated stations to and from school under such limitations as he may by regulation prescribe; and notwithstanding any provi- sions of law to the contrary, the Administrator is authorized to expend not to exceed $2,000 of this appropriation for actuarial serv- ices pertaining to the Government life-insurance fund, to be obtained by contract, without obtaining competition, at such rates of compensa- tion as he may determine to be reasonable; for allotment and transfer to the Federal Security Agency (Public Health Service), the War, Navy, and Interior Departments, for disbursement by them under the various headings of their applicable appropriations, of such amounts as are necessary for the care and treatment of beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration, including minor repairs and improvements of existing facilities under their jurisdiction necessary to such care and treatment; for expenses incidental to the maintenance and opera- tion of farms; for recreational articles and facilities at institutions maintained by the Veterans' Administration; for administrative expenses incidental to securing employment for war veterans; for funeral, burial, and other expenses incidental thereto for beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration accruing during the year for which this appropriation is made or prior fiscal years: Provided further, That the appropriations herein made for the care and maintenance of veterans in hospitals or holles under the jlrisdiction of the Veterans' Administration shall be available for the purchase of tobacco to be furnished, subject to such regulations as the Administrator of Veter- ans' Affairs shall prescribe, to veterans receiving hospital treatment or domiciliary care in Veterans' Administration hospitals or homes: Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for con- tinuing aid to State or Territorial homes for the support of disabled volunteer soldiers and sailors, in conformity with the Act approved August 27, 1888 (24 U. S . C . 134), as amended, for those veterans eligible for admission to Veterans' Administration facilities for hos- pital or domiciliary care: Provided further, That the Administrator is hereby authorized to employ medical consultants for duty on such terms as he may deem advisable and without regard to the Classifica- tion Act of 1923, as amended: Provided further, That this appropria- tion shall be available for the purchase directly from sources author- ized bv the common carriers of printed reduced fare requests for use by veterans when traveling at their own expense from or to Veterans' Administration facilities. No part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of any site for or toward the construction of any new hospital or 420 [56 STAT.